Reginais a Latin feminine name meaning "Queen" So Victoria Regina simply means Queen Victoria in Latin.
The Queens surname is not Regina Rex. Regina is the Latin term for Queen and Rex the Latin for King. Hence her insignia shows ER, Elizabeth Regina or Queen Elizabeth. The same insignia is used for the King, thus if Prince Charles were to be King and he took the name Charles his would be CR, Charles Rex or King Charles. The Queens insignia also has the Roman Numerals II, acknowledging she is Queen Elizabeth the 2nd.
King and Queen.
The term for a colony under the direct control of the Queen or King was a kingdom. There were also parts of a kingdom called Principalities.
A female ruler who holds the title of a king is typically referred to as a "queen regnant." This term is used to distinguish a ruling queen from a queen consort, who is the wife of a king but does not hold the ruling power.
Shaba-naba :) And for queen is scabnar
absolute monarch