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there is such thing as a laugh Doctor couse some people have laughing issues like my friend Kaila yes there is such thing

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It's under your hip bone

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Q: Is there such thing as a laugh box?
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What will happen if you laugh too much?

If you laugh to much; you can cause serious damage to your lung and laugh box. According to the science agency, laughing to much can cause your voice to lose and will make you have sugery to remove your laughing box. I advise you to stop laughing to much for this won't have surgery but you can lose your voice for a short time,I'm sorry but there is no such thing as a "laugh box" maybe a diaphragm.

What happens if you laugh too much?

If you laugh to much; you can cause serious damage to your lung and laugh box. According to the science agency, laughing to much can cause your voice to lose and will make you have sugery to remove your laughing box. I advise you to stop laughing to much for this won't have surgery but you can lose your voice for a short time,I'm sorry but there is no such thing as a "laugh box" maybe a diaphragm.

Is a laugh box real?

no only a voice box is real

Does a laugh box exist?

yes they do....

What is a giggle box?

Could be someone who laughs a lot. Or, a mythical box in your throat that enables you to laugh.

What is a giggle-box?

Could be someone who laughs a lot. Or, a mythical box in your throat that enables you to laugh.

Why is jack in a box anyway?

To Make Babys Laugh And ply with.

Where is your laugh box located?

under toyr large intestite

What kinds of thing make you laugh?

This question.

What to do if you do something embrassing when your with your boyfriend?

Just laugh it off. The best thing to do is be comfortablearound your boyfriend. He will realize that it was a mistake and laugh with you. Don't be embarrassed around him.

What noun is laugh?

The noun 'laugh' is a singular, common, concrete noun; a word for the act of laughing, laughter, fun, amusement; a word for a thing.

How do you make your girlfriend laugh?

The hardest thing to do is make your girlfriend laugh! I'm in middle school, in elementry i had a best friend! To Make Her laugh i need to act dumb. It Works Alot, i found out she liked me!