Rhinotillexomania is the scientific term for compulsive nose picking.
The scientific name for a red nose pitbull is Canis lupus familiaris.
The scientific term for nose hair is "vibrissae." These hairs are responsible for filtering out dust, dirt, and other particles from entering the nasal passages.
The Scientific name for a short-nose spinner is Stenella clymene, and for a long-nose spinner is Stenella longirostris. For striped dolphins is Stenella coeruleoalba.
The scientific term for sense of smell is olfaction. It refers to the ability to detect and perceive odors through the nose.
Rhinotillexomania is the scientific term for compulsive nose picking.
The scientific name for a red nose pitbull is Canis lupus familiaris.
The scientific term for nose hair is "vibrissae." These hairs are responsible for filtering out dust, dirt, and other particles from entering the nasal passages.
The Scientific name for a short-nose spinner is Stenella clymene, and for a long-nose spinner is Stenella longirostris. For striped dolphins is Stenella coeruleoalba.
The scientific or taxonomic name would be Heterodon nasicus.
Rhis, from the Greek for nose. That's why a Doctor Who specializes in the diseases of the nose is ka a rhinologist.
The sea elephant got its name by having a trunk for nose, and the body of a seal
The scientific term for sense of smell is olfaction. It refers to the ability to detect and perceive odors through the nose.
Accessory nasal cartilagesCartilage of the septumGreater alar cartilageLateral nasal cartilageLesser alar cartilagesVomeronasal cartilage
A doctor who specialises in ear, nose and throat is commonly called an ENT Specialist. The proper medical term could be said to be Otolarynologist - as otolaryngology is the branch of medicine which specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of ear, nose, throat, and head and neck disorders.
A baby bottlenose dolphin is a calf. Its scientific name is tursiops truncatus.