The wild carrot is Daucus carota. The domestic carrot is Daucus carota sativus, the subspecies designating the garden plants that were improved by selective breeding.
The wild carrot flower contains hemlock
The scientific name for a carrot is Daucus carota.
The scientific name of carrot is Daucus carota.
The scientific name for fennel seed is Foeniculum vulgare.
The scientific name for chrysanthemums is Chrysanthemum spp.
The scientific name for squids is Decapodiformes.
The scientific name for a carrot is Daucus carota.
The scientific name of carrot is Daucus carota.
Carrot. Carrot is the common name for a carrot. The scientific name for a carrot is Daucus Carota.
Daucus carota, subspecies sativus.
The scientific or taxonomic name would be Psila rosae.
The scientific or taxonomic name would be Listronotus oregonensis.
The scientific or taxonomic name would be Daucus carota.
The scientific or taxonomic name would be Psila rosae.
Cmmon name: Carrot Scientific name: Daucus Carota Satiuis Sweet flavour and cruchy texture Carrots can tolerate cold weather The taproot is the part of the carot wich is actually eaten types of carot: Danvers and Juwarot, there are more that you can find, just ask google!
The scientific name for fennel seed is Foeniculum vulgare.
The previous answer was unfortunately misleading--there IS a key that serves the same purpose as the carrot key: "[yx]" key (directly below the "[off]" key), function exactly like carrot.
The botanical name for carrot is Daucus carota.