'Japanese fighting fish' 'Chinese fighting fish' 'Siamese fighting fish' and 'Betta' are all names given to the 'Betta splendens'.
The scientific name for Japanese eggplant is Solanum melongena.
The scientific name for Japanese beetle is Popillia japonica.
The scientific name for a puffer fish is Tetraodontidae.
The scientific name of tulingan fish is Scomberomorus spp.
The scientific name of Sankara fish is Lutjanus campechanus.
The Latin name (scientific binomial) of the fighting fish is Betta splendens.
The scientific or taxonomic name would be Paralichthys olivaceus.
The scientific or taxonomic name would be Oryzias latipes.
The scientific or taxonomic name would be Oplegnathus fasciatus.
The scientific or taxonomic name would be Trachurus japonicus.
Yes. The Betta splendens (scientific name) known also by its common names Siamese Fighting-Fish and the Siamese Fighter.
Because people don't know their real name. They possibly also have got mixed up between Siamese, Chinese, and Japanese. It seems that in the US of A any of those countries are used in conjunction with 'Fighting fish' Its real name is 'Betta splendens' commonly shortened to 'Betta"
There is no scientific name for just big fish.
The scientific name of the puffer fish is Tetraodontidae.
When people write "Japanese fighting fish" I wonder just where they got that name from. The fish is properly called a "Betta splendens" often shortened to Betta. The only common name that fits it is "Siamese fighting fish' because the wild fish comes from what used to be Siam. (Thailand). Flaring of the gills and finnage is the display this species makes as a threat before fighting. Basically, I guess he's saying "Look at me I'm big and strong and fit and I'm going to kill you if you don't clear off".
The scientific name for Japanese eggplant is Solanum melongena.
The scientific name for Japanese beetle is Popillia japonica.