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The layer of coal between rocks is called a coal seam or coal bed. This layer forms over millions of years from compressed plant material.

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What is coals scientific name?

Coal is neither a mineral, nor even a consistent material. Types range from the brown coals and lignite, through to anthracite and the hard coals. Jet is a hard form of coal that is fashioned into jewellery and decorative objects. For these reasons, coals are not classified in the Linnean binomial system, nor by mineralogy.

When is carbon dioxide produced?

Carbon dioxide is produced as a byproduct of burning fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas. It is also produced through natural processes like respiration in living organisms and volcanic eruptions.

What is carbon's scientific name?

You have answered your own question....the (English) scientific name of the atom that has 6 Protons and 6 Neutrons IS Carbon... If you're looking for the archaic nomenclature then, oddly, this was one of the first elements formally named...prior to the formal naming, it was called "coal" or "soot". Unlike things like Saltpeter (potassium nitrate) and Aqua Regia (Nitric Acid, Hydrochloric Acid)...carbon has been, and continues to be, a staple of modern and archaic chemistry.

How is carbon dioxide produced?

Carbon dioxide is produced through the process of respiration by plants, animals, and microorganisms, as well as through the combustion of fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas. Additionally, carbon dioxide is released during processes such as fermentation, volcanic eruptions, and wildfires.

How is classification of resources based on origin?

Resources can be classified based on their origin as renewable or non-renewable. Renewable resources are those that can be replaced naturally over time, such as sunlight and wind. Non-renewable resources are finite and cannot be easily replaced, such as fossil fuels like coal and oil. This classification helps in understanding their availability and impact on the environment.

Related questions

What is layer of coal between rocks called?


What is alayer of coal under the gound called?

A layer of coal underground is called a coal seam. This seam is a continuous layer or sheet of coal that is buried beneath the surface of the Earth.

What is a thin layer of coal ore etc occurring between different strata of bedrock called?


How we do coal?

By digging big holes (called coal mines) in the ground and separating the coal, rock, and soil in the material dug from those holes. Coal usually comes in layers (called seams) between layers of other sedimentary rocks.

What is it called when a rock is produced from a layer of plants?

When a rock is produced from a layer of plants, it is called coal. Coal forms from the remains of plants that have been compacted, heated, and subjected to pressure over millions of years.

What are the similarities between coal and obsidian?

Both are types of rocks.

What type of rocks are formed from ancient plants?

Rocks formed from ancient plants are called coal. Coal is a sedimentary rock that forms from the accumulation and compression of plant material over millions of years.

Which type of map would you use to find the location of a layer of coal at Earth's surface and why?

You would use a geological map, which displays the types and ages of rocks on the Earth's surface. This map would help you locate the layer of coal as it shows the distribution of different rock types, including coal-bearing formations, allowing you to identify the specific location of the coal layer.

Which layer can you find coal?

it is not hard to find and sometimes u can find it on the outside of a cavern in MINECRAFT!! god that game rocks

What are organic rocks called from the remains of swamp plants buried in water?

Coal is an organic rock that is composed of vegetation that may have originated in swamps and marshes.

Chalk and coal are examples of a kind of sedimentary rock that is called?

Chalk and coal are examples of biochemical sedimentary rocks. Biochemical sedimentary rocks are formed from the accumulation and compression of organic remains such as shells, coral, or plant material.

Why is petroleum and coal called fossil fuels?

Because they are remains of organisms preserved in rocks