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Their genus is Carcharodon.

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The great white shark belongs to the lamnidae family.

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Q: What group of sharks does the great white shark belong to?
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What is the genus species of sharks?

The genus species of sharks vary based on the specific type of shark. Some examples include the Great White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias), Hammerhead Shark (Sphyrna zygaena), and Tiger Shark (Galeocerdo cuvier).

What family does the tiger shark belong to?

The tiger shark belongs to the family Carcharhinidae, which includes other well-known sharks such as the bull shark and the blacktip shark.

What classification of marine organism does the great white shark fall under?

Superregnum: EukaryotaRegnum: AnimaliaSubregnum: EumetazoaSuperphylum: DeuterostomiaPhylum: ChordataSubphylum: VertebrataInfraphylum: GnathostomataClassis: ChondrichthyesSubclassis: ElasmobranchiiSuperordo: SelachimorphaOrdo: LamniformesFamilia: LamnidaeGenus: CarcharodonSpecies: Carcharodon carcharias

What taxa do the bat and shark share?

Bats and sharks both belong to the animal kingdom (Animalia) and the class of vertebrates (Vertebrata). Within the vertebrates, bats are mammals (Mammalia), while sharks are cartilaginous fishes (Chondrichthyes), placing them in different subclasses.

What is scientific name of the Great White Shark?

The genus of the Great White Shark is Charcharodon and the species is charcharias. So, the scientific name would be Charachadon Charcharias. When writing the scientific name, the first word should be capitalized and the second word should start with a capital letter. So the scientific name of a Great White Shark is Charcharodon Charcharias.PLUS: The scientific name of a prehistoric Great White is Chararodon Megalodon. Megalodon means "Big tooth."

Related questions

What mammal group does a shark belong to?

Sharks are not mammals.

What Sharks are often referred as?

Sharks have induvidual names like The hammer head or the great white shark

Which group do sharks belong?

Sharks belong in the fish family and resultingly the largest fish in the world is the basking shark. (A+ free swimmers)

What is the group name or collective noun for the great white shark?

The collective nouns for sharks is a school of sharks, a shoal of sharks, and a shiver of sharks. I like shiver a lot. If there is a specific collective noun for the great white shark, I do not know what it is.

What group does a great white belongs to?

A great white shark, at least I think you're referring to a shark, is a fish. It is of the kingdom Animalia, phylum Chordata, Class Chondrichthyes, Genus Species Carcharadon carcharias.

What group does the deep sea goblin shark belong to?

The goblin shark is what be called a "living fossil". It belongs to the order of Lamniformes (mackerel sharks), family of Mitsukurinidae.

Can you name 8 types of sharks?

megalodon sharks, great white sharks, frilled sharks, thresher sharks, tiger sharks, sand tiger sharks, lemon sharks, bull sharks, whale sharks, basking sharks, lepord sharks,black tip sharks. there is 12.

What vertebrate group does shark belong to?

Sharks are a type of cartilaginous fish, that is their skeleton is made of cartilage rather than bone. They belong to the vertebrate subphylum of chondrichthyes.

Who will win megaldon or great white shark?

well tiger shark was the same size but great white shark was fast and was stronger if it was a group the tiger shark would win but the great white shark will win but great white sharks are not as big as jaws because jaws was fake!the sharks where back with the crocodilian and the dinosaurs but they lived

What vertebrate group does the shark belong to?

Sharks belong to the vertebrate group known as Chondrichthyes, which includes animals with skeletons made of cartilage rather than bone.

Why is the great white shark a mackerel shark?

The Family that the Great White Shark belongs to is the Lamnidae, this group is referred to as the mackerel sharks, this is not indicative of their diet, but relates to their general body shape

Does a shark eat a tiger shark?

thear are some sharks what are stronger then tiger sharks such as bull shark and great white sharks