

Best Answer

1.) Animalia

2.) Plantae

3.) Fungi

4.) Protista

5.) Monera

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5mo ago

The five kingdoms in a modern biological classification system are:

  1. Animalia
  2. Plantae
  3. Fungi
  4. Protista
  5. Monera (or Bacteria)
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Q: What are the five kingdoms of a modern system?
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What are the five kingdoms of the modern system?

The five kingdoms in the modern biological classification system are Animalia (animals), Plantae (plants), Fungi (fungi), Protista (protists), and Monera (bacteria). These kingdoms are broad groups used to organize and classify living organisms based on their shared characteristics and evolutionary relationships.

Is one popular classification system use six kingdoms?

At the point I only know five that I have learned from my science teacher.The five kingdoms in order are:MoneraProtistaFungiPlantAnimalThese are the five I know at the point.

How many domains and kingdoms are in the modern system of taxonomy?

There are three domains (Bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya) and six kingdoms (Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Protista, Archaea, Bacteria) in the modern system of taxonomy.

What are the 5 kingdoms of the modern system?


What are the type of kingdoms?

There are five kingdoms. They areMoneraProtistaFungiAnimaliaPlantae

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What does Whittaker's system have that Linnaeus's system does not?

Whittaker's system has five kingdoms, which Linnaeus's system does not. Robert Whittaker was a plant ecologist.

What are all five kingdoms of the classification system?

The five kingdoms in the classification system are: Monera (bacteria), Protista (protists), Fungi (fungi), Plantae (plants), and Animalia (animals). These kingdoms help categorize and organize different forms of life based on their characteristics and relationships.

Supported the change in the classification system from five kingdoms to six kingdoms?

The change from five kingdoms to six kingdoms was supported in order to better reflect the evolutionary relationships among organisms. The addition of a separate Kingdom Protista helped to differentiate between single-celled eukaryotes that didn't fit neatly into the other kingdoms. Overall, the six-kingdom classification system provided a more accurate and comprehensive way to categorize and study living organisms.

What is the standard method of classification Is it the five kingdoms or the six kingdoms or the three domain system?

The three-domain system is the most widely accepted method of classification, dividing organisms into Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya based on genetic relationships. The five kingdom and six kingdom systems are older classification systems that group organisms based on morphological and ecological characteristics, but they are not as widely used or accepted in modern taxonomy.

How are organism classified?

by their kingdoms by a five knigdom classification system which classifies all organisms

How is the 3 Domain system of classification different from the traditional one?

The 3 domain system of classification is a more modern approach that groups organisms into three domains: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya, based on genetic similarities. This system is more inclusive and reflective of evolutionary relationships compared to the traditional system that classified organisms into five kingdoms.