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The term you are looking for is probably ovum, although oocyte also works. An oocyte is an immature ovum, and the ovum is the 'egg,' released into the fallopian tubes so that it can meet the male gamete. When the two gametes (the ovum and the spermatozoa) meet conception occurs and we have a fertilized egg--a zygote, a human being at the earliest developmental stage of its life.

So, there are several terms which you can use depending upon what you want to reference. If you are talking about an immature ovum, you call it an oocyte. If you are talking about the female gamete which meets with the male gamete to form the prenatal human, you say ovum.

If you are talking about a human being at its earliest stage of development you say 'zygote.'

For more information, please see:

Keith L. Moore, The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology, 7th edition. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders, 2003.

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4mo ago

The scientific name for an egg is "ova" for a single egg cell and "ovum" for a mature egg cell ready for fertilization.

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12y ago

Solanium melongena or solanium aethiopicum

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13y ago

the scientific name of egg is ova

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Anichebe Faith

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11y ago

An Ovum.

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Q: Scientific name for an egg
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