yes. the stone spider (lava lava batu) is commonly found in Borneo.
Secondary. Sometimes feldspathoids or olivine. is an aphanitic extrusive igneous rock formed from the rapid cooling of low-viscosity lava rich in magnesium and iron (mafic lava) exposed at or very near the surface of a rocky planet or moon.
The scientific name for blue fire is "Cherenkov radiation." It is a type of electromagnetic radiation emitted when a charged particle, such as an electron, travels through a medium at a speed greater than the speed of light in that medium.
AnswerThe scientific name for the family Gulls is Laridae. There are over fifty species of Gull in existence today. Each species has a scientific name which is Latinised. The first part of the scientific name is the generic name denoting the genus. A genus is a group of closely related species within a family, or it can be just one or two species considered sufficiently different from other species to merit their own genus. This first part of the name always starts with a capital letter. The second part is the specific name denoting the species. It never starts with a capital. Many of these species have subspecies or geographical races, (for which a third name is added) about which there is much debate! Most gull species belong to the genus Larus ie, typical gulls. Larus is simply Latin for sea bird.Latin names for various speciesCommon Gull (Mew Gull): Larus canusMediterranean Gull: Larus melanocephalusFranklin's Gull: Larus pipixcanLittle Gull: Hydrocoloeus minutus (formerly Larus minutus)Sabine's Gull: Larus sabiniBonaparte's Gull: Larus philadelphiaRing-billed Gull: Larus delawarensisLesser Black-backed Gull: Larus fuscusLaughing Gull: Larus atricillaHerring Gull: Larus argentatusGreat Black-headed Gull: Larus ichthyaetusBlack-headed gull: Chroicocephalus ridibundusSwallow-tailed Gull: Creagrus furcatu (the only member of its genus)Grey-headed Gull: Chroicocephalus cirrocephalus (formerly Larus cirrocephalus)Lava Gull:Leucophaeus fuliginosus (formerly Larus fuliginosus)Silver Gull: Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae (formerly Larus novaehollandiae)American Herring Gull: Larus smithsonianusYellow Legged Gull: Larus michahellisCaspian Gull: Larus cachinnansIceland Gull: Larus glaucoidesThayers' Gull: Larus theyeriGlaucous Gull: Larus hyperboreusGreat Black-backed Gull: Larus marinusRoss's Gull: Rhodostethia roseaBlack legged Kittiwake: Rissa tridactylaIvory Gull: Pagophila eburnea
Three important factors control whether an eruption will be explosive or quiet. One is the amount of water vapor and other gases that are trapped in the magma. The other factor is how much silica is present in the magma. And temperature.
The Earth's crust is not stationary; it is made up of tectonic plates that constantly move and interact with each other. This movement results in earthquakes, volcanic activity, and the formation of mountains. It is a dynamic process known as plate tectonics.
air+lava=stone! a little complicated, but, you'll get it! Oh, I just gave you it! *laughs*
Well you can do either one and you will get stone.Lava+air or Lava+water with lava and water you will get stone and steam.With lava and air you just get stone. Have fun!
Air + Lava = Stone
Air + Lava = Stone
There is no chemical equation as the solidification of lava is a physical process.
igneous stone is a stone formed by solidification of magma near earth surface or on (lava)
Sand+Swamp Sand= Stone+Water (Stone is Air and Lava) (Lava is Earth and Fire) Swamp= Water+Earth
This is probably the easiest thing to create in doodle god. Go get your head checked. love obama
In the volcano, but i don't know where.
its water and lava
when the lava rock is in the volcanoe it is magma, and when it reaches the outside of the volcanoe it is lava.
Sure you can! All you need is a bucket of lava and a stone drawbridge.