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Q: Which refers to an organism that eats both plants and animals?
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Hat is the organism that feeds on other plants and animals?

A carnivore is an organism that feeds on other animals, while a herbivore feeds on plants. A organism that feeds on both plants and animals is an omnivore.

How can you tell that an onmivore eats both plants and animals?

The definition of an omnivore is an organism that consumes both plants and animals so that's how you can tell that an organism is an omnivore.

Organism that eat both plants and animals?


What do you called organism that eats both plants and animals?

An omnivore.

What is the name of organism that eats both plants and animals?


Is an omnivore a seed?

No it is an organism that is both a carnivore and herbivore, meaning it eats both plants and animals.

Lots of prefix's for omni?

OMNIVORE an organism that eats both plants and animals

What is an organism that eats plants and animals?

An organism that eats plants and animals is called an omnivore. Omnivores have a varied diet that includes both plant and animal matter, allowing them to obtain essential nutrients from different sources. Examples of omnivores include humans, bears, and raccoons.

What organism may eat plants animals or both to obtain energy?

An omnivore is an organism that can eat both plants and animals to obtain energy. Examples of omnivores include humans, bears, and raccoons.

What is a obnivore?

An omnivore is an organism that eats both plants and animals. They have a varied diet that includes both meat and vegetation. Humans are an example of omnivores.

What is it when you eat meat and vegetables?

An organism that eats both plants and animals is an omnivore.

What is the name if an organism that eats both plants and animals?

carnivore-eats the flesh of other animals herbivore-eats plant material omnivore- eats both animals and plants