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Biodegradable waste is a type of waste, typically originating from plant or animal sources, which may be broken down by other living organisms. Waste that cannot be broken down by other living organisms may be called non-biodegradable.

Biodegradable waste can be commonly found in municipal solid waste (sometimes called biodegradable municipal waste, or BMW) as green waste, food waste, paper waste, and biodegradable plastics. Other biodegradable wastes include human waste, manure, sewage and slaughterhouse waste.

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Q: What is organic waste?
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Organic Waste

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An organic waste composting machine is an independent unit that facilitates the composting process and provides better composts.

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Organic garbage as far as i know would be yard waste sometimes known as "greens" or maybe even food waste

What is an activity to show organic waste is biodegradable while plastic is not?

Organic waste Organic waste is a major component of municipal solid waste. Most originates from household waste but commercial, institutional and industrial waste can also contain significant proportions of organic waste e.g. market waste. Organic waste is biodegradable and can be processed in the presence of oxygen by composting or in the absence of oxygen using anaerobic digestion. Both methods produce a soil conditioner, which when prepared correctly can also be used as a valuable source of nutrients in urban agriculture. Anaerobic digestion also produces methane gas an important source of bio-energOrganic waste Organic waste is a major component of municipal solid waste. Most originates from household wastebut commercial, institutional and industrial waste can also contain significant proportions of organic wastee.g. market waste. Organic waste is biodegradable and can be processed in the presence of oxygen by composting or inthe absence of oxygen using anaerobic digestion. Both methods produce a soil conditioner, which when prepared correctlycan also be used as a valuable source of nutrients in urban agriculture. Anaerobic digestionalso produces methane gas an important soaurce of bio-energ

Content of organic material?

Organic material contains organic compounds from the remains of dead organisms and their waste products.

Is organic waste renewable?

All over the country homes produce large amounts of organic waste. Unfortunately, when this waste becomes in the trash along with your other household waste, it will end up in a landfill. As organic waste decomposes, it will produce methane gas, which is very hazardous to the environment. However, by using different methods of handling your organic waste, you can protect the environment and even reduce the amount of waste generated each year in your home. We offer products and systems for converting organic waste to compost. Our solutions also include environment consultancy services and tank cleaning services. By the use of this product you can protect the environment and even reduce the amount of waste your household produces each year. For more info click hear For more info click hear smartenvirosystems

What is the geographic location of Earthworms?

any soil with organic matter, or organic waste plus humidity....