a somersault is a tumble turn performed on the floor. You roll head first and finish in a sitting or standing position
The duration of Somersault - film - is 1.77 hours.
The duration of Somersault in a Coffin is 1.77 hours.
Somersault - film - was created on 2004-05-17.
Somersault in a Coffin was created on 1996-11-15.
Somersault - Eggstone album - was created in 1994-03.
That is the correct spelling of "somersault" (a midair flip).
the opposite of summer sault is a winter pepper.
A Somersault on Horseback - 1900 was released on: USA: May 1900
A midgets arms are to stubby to reach over their heads. Therefore they can not do a somersault or a hand stand.
Many gymnasts attempt a triple somersault when dismounting the beam. However, it has not been possible to find details of a female gymnast who has attempted this somersault actually on the beam.
A double back somersault with 5 full twists: either 2½ twists in both the first and second somersaults, or two full twists in the first somersault and three full twists in the second somersault.