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Disadvantage is that polythene once made cant be destroyed ever............polythene is big terror to our environment also

Polythene is not biodegradable, and if dumped in the soil causes harm to the plant life, as the toxic substances of polythene get blocked among the soil particles.

. Polythene threatens the life in the water bodies. The chemicals in polythene affects the survival of flora and fauna of the aquatic and marine eco systems.

. Polythene is also likele to clog the drains causing problems in the water flow of the pipes. The pipe blockages would cause flooding and the free flow of water is disturbed.

. Polythene is harmful for animals if swallowed. It solidifies inside the abdominal cavitywhich ultimately becomes lethal to the animal.

. In most households poly bags are used to preserve food items. It has been found out, the colourful poly bags contains lead and cadmium which are toxic and causeadverse effects to human health.

. If polythene is burnt in open air Hydrogen cyanide which is carcinogenic (cancer causing) is released.

Hydrogen cyanide causes environmental pollution and health hazards

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13y ago
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12y ago

the disadvantages of using plastic bags is that you cant recycle them and that's horrible for our planet , like what the world is saying to us, "help make me stay green"

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14y ago

I need to know the environmental problems caused by making polythene products, could you help? x

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