Vast amounts of solar energy land on the earth every day, and only a tiny amount is captured for generating electricity. It is hardly being wasted, though, as much of it is used to warm the earth, to grow crops, to power photosynthesis in plants etc.
not mew. the most or the average money wasted on animal experimentation every day is up to $400000. some times its way higher
yes because a verb is a doing word Every day I waste paper. Yesterday I wasted paper. No. I was feeling wasted, so I sat down. (wasted is an adjective)
10 liters if u have a day if u have a bath abd 4liters if not bath with2 liters of water
cell phones, the internet, and electricity every day,
About 200,000,000 gallons a day.
about 2 sheets a day. But if that goes on for a week, 14 sheets of paper are already wasted!
over infinady lets say
To generate electricity.
A lot of electricity a day
How much electricity is generated by 1 solar sell on a sunny day?
that depends on how much sunlight there is. But alot of electricity.