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V-J Day was more important to Australians than V-E Day because Japan is closer to Australia than Japan.

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Q: Why was VJ Day of greater significance than VE Day for Australians?
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Because ANZAC Day was the first time that troops from the Australian Colonies went in action as Australians!

Which Australians celebrate St Patrick's day in March?

Many Australians celebrate it, but particularly Australians of Irish ancestry or people from Ireland who are in Australia.

When and why do you celebrate Australia Day?

Australia Day, which is celebrated on January 26 every year, commemorates the arrival of the First Fleet at Sydney Cove in New South Wales on 26 January 1788. This was a significant date because it marked the beginning of European settlement in and colonisation of Australia.Many Australians do not actually realise the significance of Australia Day, having misconceptions about why we have Australia Day (such as thinking it is when James Cook first landed on Australia's shores). Many Australians are just happy to have a day off work.

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None a day is longer than an hour?

Yes, because something is greater than nothing.

Do Australians celebrate Saint Patrick's Day?

Many Australians do celebrate St. Patrick's Day. Many have Irish ancestors. Others just join in with the celebrations that Irish people are having there.

The rate of alcohol related fatal crashes at night is how many times greater than the day?

3 times greater