a leap year has 366 days
1 day = 24 hrs
1 hr= 60 mins
366 x 24 hrs = 8784 hrs
8784 hrs x 60 mins/ 1 hr (cancel hr) = 527040 mins
If it is not a leap year, 525,600
There are 525,600 minutes in a normal year and 527,040 minutes in a leap year.
1,576,800 if there are no leap years. If one of the 3 years is a leap year then it is 1,578,240 minutes.
2008 was a leap year. 366x24x60 is 527,040 minutes
525,600 365 days in a non leap year 24 hours in a day 60 minutes in an hour 365 * 24 * 60 = 525600
28 days in February when it's not a leap year.
Every non-leap year, including 3505, is 525,600 minutes long.
525600 minuets are in a year, but in a leap year there is 527040 minuets. 31,536,000 minutes in a year 525600 minutes "how do you measure a year?" 525600 minutes "how do you measure a year?" Season Of Love !!!
How many what in a leap year?
525,600 in a regular year 527,040 in a leap year
You can find out how many minutes there are in a normal year (525,600), you can also find out how many minutes in a leap year (527,040). Find out how many whole normal years you've lived for and then times it by 525,600. Then find out how many whole leap years you've lived for and then times it by 527,040. Then find out how many days of the incomplete year you've lived for and then times it by 1440 (which is how many minutes there is in an hour).
It is difficult to provide a definitive answer because you need to think about when you start counting and how many leap years are in the 15 year period. This is how you would go about it: Definitions:- * 365 Days in a Year * (366 Days in a leap year) * 24 hours in a day * 60 minutes in an hour Thus (ignoring leap years) 15*265*24*60 = 7,884,000 minutes