31 -------------------------------------------
to remember this there is a rhyme: 30 days hath September, April, June and November,
All the rest have 31, excepting February alone.
Which only has but 28 and in a leap year 29.
In a normal year there are 90 days in January to March. In a leap year there are 91 days.
337 days in a normal year and 338 days in a leap year.
On a non-leap year, there are 358 days between January 1 and December 25. On a leap year, there are 359 days between the two dates.
59 in an ordinary year and 60 in a leap year.
222 days in a normal year and 223 days in a leap year.
100 days in a normal year. 101 days in a leap year.
89 days in a normal year and 90 days in a leap year.
230 days in a normal year and 231 days in a leap year.
180 days in a normal year, 181 days in a leap year.
102 days or 103 days in a leap year.
36525 365 days a year (except leap years 100 years +25 days for the leap years
There are 38 days (non leap year) between January 22 and March 1, except in a leap year when February has 29 days and then there would be 39 days.