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It alarmed and scared the US while by being communist and making alliances with the Soviet Union. Bonds with the Soviet Union weren't strong due to many border skirmishes and ect.

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Q: What role did communist China play in the Cold War?
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Answer this question… It undermined communist ideology in communist countries.

What role do citizens play in China?

Citizens in China play a role in their society much like citizens in other modern countries such as the United States and England. The citizens of China also share basic rights. However China is still a communist country and some things are different.

What role did Korean play in the cold war?

It provided democracies and communist countries with an opportunity to indirectly fight one another :) -Apex-

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Since Mao Zedong was the Communist Chinese leader, he was in agreement with Communist Russia.

Why did the US resume relations with China?

Because of China's communist government and their subsequent role in the cold war. They were a threat because communism was spreading in Asia (Vietnam, North Korea, China) and communism was the main reason the US was in the cold war. Plus, China was a good source of trade It was one of the three main goals of Détente

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What role did communism play in the Korean war?

Think of it this way, what role did Nazism and Facism play in WW2? The NK were the Communists while the SK were the capitalists. Two sides, two ideals, countless lives.

What role did nationalism play in cold war?

Nationalism did play an important role in the cold war. There are certain individuals who offered to work as spies for their countries.

How is the government in china organized?

The government is very totalitarian and communist.

Did china play a role in the cold war?

It alarmed and scared the US while by being communist and making alliances with the Soviet Union. Bonds with the Soviet Union weren't strong due to many border skirmishes and ect.

What role does a legislature play in a communist political system?

Generally speaking the legislature of a communist nation is a one party communist legislature. The real political power in a communist country lies in the party's leadership people.