

Best Answer

In math, it may look like this: ~

Wikipedia also states: Circa (often abbreviated c., ca., ca or cca. and sometimes italicized to show it is Latin)

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Q: What is the Symbol for the word circa?
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Is there a symbol for a circa date?

No. The symbol for the word circa is merely an abbreviation; the lowercase letter "c", followed by a dot, like this: c. 1700 Also acceptable is the abbreviation "ca."

The word circa is translated to what word in English?

circa is English it means "from the time of"

Where did the word circa come from?

The word circa is Latin and in English it means about, approximately.

What is the abbreviation for the word circa?

Circa is abbreviated as ca.

Latin word for about?


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The phrase "circa 1950" means "some time around 1950." The word "circa" is Latin for "about" or "near".

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The English word logo (circa 1937) is a short form of logogram (circa 1840), from the Greek word logos, meaning "word" + gram, meaning "what is written".

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What is 'about' in Latin?

Circa and fere are Latin equivalents of the English word 'about'. The word 'fere' is used when an adverb is needed for number or time. The word 'circa' is used when a preposition of place or time is needed.