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okay i belive that it made the world somewhat better but then again people will be texting so much that they will lose the thought on how to talk to each other in person or even know the proper grammer of writing or spech. The smartboards they put in my school i love them it helps teaching so much better i understand things better now like its all right there in front of me adn im like yeah i know the answer to that i understand it wayy better. But certain things i think are kind of crazy.

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Q: What affects did technology have on civilization?
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Everyone in a supervisory position is responsible for enforcing policy that affects the use of a technology.

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A devoleped civilization is one that has culture, technology, a social class, and a religon.

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technology helped sumerian civilization develop by machines and other things.

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technology affects our lives by harming us. i am scared of technology and you should be to. YOU DONT KNOW HOW MUCH IT AFFECTS ME AND YOU SO BURN ALL TECHNOLOGY AND I WILL RULE THE WORLD. oops I've gone crazy I'm very annoyed that's all by technology services PS BURN THEM!

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True they feed of one another . Even cultucher evolves at some point

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