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Q: Was the Treaty of Nanking the first of the unequal treaties that were signed between China and the Western powers?
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The Treaty of Nanking was the first of the unequal treaties that were signed between China and the Western powers?


In what ways were the roman social classes unequal?

Patricians, in the early days of the city, had most of the wealth and most of the government positions. The Plebeians were the downtrodden and the working class until they revolted and gained their civil rights. There were other classes of people besides the patricians and plebeians. The class of the person depended a great deal upon the wealth of the person. The more wealth/money a person had, the higher his status. A person's wealth also gave him the option of entering a higher class if he could meat the financial requirements.

What are the similarities between the Roman empire and Charlemagne's empire?

u must have lee if u don't ignore lol It will be unequal relationship. One side, you have world's first superpower that stretched from Britain to Mesopotamia and Morocco to Crimea having 1/3 of world's population under control in very cosmopolitan civilization, and other hand you have regional power bounded under leadership of descendants of the Germanic tribes. Frankish empire was literally build just due strong personality of the Charles the Great and could survive, because he ruled unusually long (768-814), which gave it enough time to build strong government and institutions that became a model for following medieval Europe. But Frankish empire had collapsed not long after the Charlemagne's death. The Roman Empire was not revolving around personality of one individual, which is one of the reason for such long, and lasting presence. It was build upon institutions dedicated to the free citizens of Rome. Lacking influential builders prevent the empire collapse after numerous crisis for very long time, until the final decades of its existence. Rome was also multinational, multicultural, and religious diverse society. It flourished various religions, cultures, languages, rites, and customs as long as they obeyed the Roman rule. The Frankish empire was much regressive, where only Catholic Christianity was allowed, where Irish, Arian, Greek, and Slavonic christian rites were suppressed. Culturally, Frankish empire paled behind the cultural, philosophical, and artistic achievement of the Antiquity. It controlled area that was in majority run by Germanic nations that were on very low level of development in comparison with the Byzantine empire and this had a profound effect how the state functioned. Illiteracy was a problem for the state to have a successful bureaucracy, so it forced Charles the Great to fund education at least centered around monastery. Roman Empire did not have such problem, and its bureaucracy was not matched until much later by medieval China. Since Frankish empire was fraction of the Roman, it also had effect on the economical development of the state and the western civilization. Since the core of the state was in present day France, Frankish government turned the once backyard of the Roman Empire into successful medieval state that provided a copy for the rest of Europe. The feudal economy achieved agricultural output that was able to feed population that was twice that of the Roman's Gaul (from 4.5 to 8 mil), but the urban life suffered. The Frankish empire did not have prominent urban centers like was Rome, Constantinople, Antioch, Cordoba, or Alexandria, which gave this state more provincial feel and outlook.

What were the twelve tablets in relation to Roman law?

According to Roman tradition, the Law of the Twelve Tables (Latin: Leges Duodecim Tabularum or Duodecim Tabulae) was the legislation that stood at the foundation of Roman law. The Tables consolidated earlier traditions into an enduring set of laws. The Twelve Tables are sufficiently comprehensive that their substance has been described as a 'code',although modern scholars consider this characterization erisation exaggerated.The Tables were a sequence of definitions of various private rights and procedures. They generally took for granted such things as the institutions of the family and various rituals for formal transactions. The provisions were often highly specific and diverse, and lack an intelligible system or order. The Twelve Tables of Roman society were said by the Romans to have come about as a result of the long social struggle between patricians and plebeians. After the expulsion of the last king of Rome, Tarquinius Superbus, the Republic was governed by a hierarchy of magistrates. Initially, only patricians were eligible to become magistrates and this, among other plebeian complaints, was a source of discontent for plebeians. In the context of this unequal status, plebeians would take action to secure concessions for themselves using the threat of secession. They would threaten to leave the city with the consequence that it would grind to a halt, as the plebeians were Rome's labor force. Tradition held that one of the most important concessions won in this class struggle was the establishment of the Twelve Tables, establishing basic procedural rights for all Roman citizens as against one another.[5] However this tradition cannot be verified, and the drafting of the Twelve Tables may have been fomented by a desire for self-regulation by the patricians, or for other reasons.[2] Around 450 BC, the first decemviri (decemvirate - board of "Ten Men") were appointed to draw up the first ten tables. According to Livy, they sent an embassy to Greece to study the legislative system of Athens, known as the Solonian Constitution, but also to find out about the legislation of other Greek cities.[6][7] Some scholars dispute the veracity of any claim that the Romans imitated the Greeks in this respect[8] or suggest that they visited the Greek cities of Southern Italy, and did not travel all the way to Greece.[9] In 450 BC, the second decemviri started to work on the last two tables. The first decemvirate completed the first ten codes in 450 BC. Here is how Livy describes their creation,

How were women treated in the middle ages?

AnswerBefore women had the right to vote, basically all they did was be perfect housewives. They worked on the families economic production also. Women were treated as property of men. Men had no respect for the women especially African American. African American women were raped, beaten, and tortured a great distance more than white females. Although, white females did go through the same struggle.

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Was the Treaty of Nanking the first of the unequal treaties that were signed between China and the Western powers.?


The Treaty of Nanking was the first of the unequal treaties that were signed between China and the Western powers.?


The Treaty of Nanking was the first of the unequal treaties that were signed between China and the Western powers?


True or false The Treaty of Nanking was the first of the unequal treaties that were signed between China and the Western powers?


The Treaty of Nanjing Nanking signed in 1842 after Great Britain easily defeated China in a war was the first of the several that the Chinese were forced to sign with foreign powers?

unequal treaties.

The Treaty of Nanjing (Nanking) signed in 1842 after Great Britain easily defeated China in a war was the first of the several that the Chinese were forced to sign with foreign powers?

unequal treaties.

The Treaty of Nanjing (Nanking) signed in 1842 after Great Britain easily defeated China in a war was the first of the several that the Chinese were forced to sign with foreign powers.?

unequal treaties.

How did Western powers controlled trade with China?

They divided China into spheres of influence

What were treaties signed under threat of force known as?

The treaties that were signed under threat of force are known as unequal treaties. Unequal treaties are also agreements made under pressure.

Why were the so-called uneqal treaties considered so unfair to china?

The unequal treaties were considered unfair to China because they were forced upon the country by Western powers, exploiting China's weakened state to extract concessions that favored the foreign powers. These treaties often granted extraterritorial rights to foreigners, imposed unequal tariffs, and allowed foreign control of Chinese territory, undermining China's sovereignty and national pride.

What is the importance of the Treaty of Nanking?

Very simply, the Treaty of Nanking was the first of the unequal treaties between the West and China. It is widely argued that the Treaty was one factor which led to the political instability of China and eventual overthrow of the Manchu dynasty, as foreign powers increasingly encroached on Chinese sovereignty. One example of this is through the "most favoured nation" provision. The reparations which were paid to Britain as a result of the treaty show how weakened China had become.

In what ways did Great Britain benefit from the unequal treaties?

Under the 'unequal treaties' China had to cede the island of Hong Kong to Great Britain, opened five treaty ports to Western trade, paid nine million dollars to the effected, limited tariffs to five percent. The most important was that the Western merchants were now to follow laws of their mother countries instead of China.