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Yes. East Germany was separated from West Germany by the Berlin Wall during the era of communism there. East Germany was part of the Soviet Communist Bloc and West Germany was the non-communist portion.

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Q: Was East Germany a communist country in the cold war?
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What was the difference between east and west Berlin during cold war?

East was ruled by communist russia while west was ruled by the allies (america, france and Britain), Berlin was in the eastern side but it was also split up like the whole of Germany was, into four sectors, each one ruled by the corresponding ally.

How did the Cold War shape East Asia?

There were two manor conflicts in East Asia which were part of the Cold War, those being the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. Korea remains divided into North and South Korea to this day, but Vietnam became a unified communist nation (and remains one of the last communist nations on Earth). Other than that, various Cold War alliances affected all the politics of the region.

What happened in europe during the cold war?

A figurative iron curtain divided Europe into the Democratic West and Communist East. It cut Germany clean in half. Europe was constantly on its toes, each fearing the other side would strike either on them or at America, catching them in the middle.

What country reunified in the 1990's overcoming differences developed during the cold war?


What was the belief held during the cold war regarding neighboring countries of communist countries all falling victim to communism known as?

It was called the Domino Theory. This theory said, if a country becomes communist all its neighbors will eventually fall to communism like dominoes. The reality is, countries don't become communist unless they're forced to. People like owning things. They like being able to go to the store and buy bananas if they want. And it's hard to do those things in a country where the state owns everything and foods are rationed.

Related questions

Was east or West Germany free?

during the cold war, EG (East Germany) was communist while WG (West Germany) was captialist

Who's side was Germany on during the Cold War?

Germany was split in half; Communist East Germany and Free West Germany.

What happens to Germany after the cold war?

1989 saw the collapse of communist rule in East Germany and talks started immediately on the reunification of Germany which happened in 1990.

What was a country in Europe that was divided into east and west?

During the cold war era each European country was classified as part of either Free Western Europe, or of Communist Eastern Europe which was mostly dominated by the Soviet Union until the Soviet Union broke up.

What was built during the cold war to keep people from escaping?

The Berlin Wall separating Communist East Germany and Democratic West Germany.

What country as divided between East and West during the Cold War Era?


What country was divided between east and west during the cold war era?


What important cold war symbol was destroyed in Germany in 1989?

The Berlin Wall was the important Cold War symbol that was destroyed in Germany in 1989. It was a physical barrier that separated East Berlin from West Berlin and symbolized the division between the democratic and communist worlds during the Cold War. Its demolition marked the reunification of East and West Germany and the end of the Cold War era.

What countries were communists during the Cold War?

U.S.S.R Cuba China North Korea Poland Czechoskovakia Albania Bulgaria Romania East Germany Hungary and Yugoslavia -(note Yug was communist country but not a WARSAW pact member and closer to the west and the USA)

What country was divided between east during the cold war era?

East and West Germany; North and South Korea; North and South Vietnam.

What was the political imapact of D-Day?

The successful D-Day operation created a EAST and WEST Germany during the cold war. Had D-Day NOT been successful, there might have been only one communist controlled Germany during the cold war.

How is the Berlin Wall a symbol of the cold war?

The Berlin Wall as a structure to prevent East Germans from escaping to the West was an indication of how life was in communist East Germany. People risked their lives to escape communism. This was all part of the Cold War.