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Q: True or false Although the Crusades led to an increase in travel and trade Western Europe still had little interaction with the new cultures encountered?
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Why were crusades important?

The Crusades were important because they were a series of military campaigns. They also gave the opportunity to lear about other cultures and nations.

What contributed to a culture development?

There are so many things that contribute to a culture's development. Some of them include routine activities, interaction with other cultures and need to address various socio issues among others.

What term describe the mixing of Greek Hellenistic and Roman culture?

The term used to describe the mixing of Greek and Roman cultures is Greco-Roman. Hellenistic culture was a Greek culture intermixed with local cultures due to the conquests of Alexander.The term used to describe the mixing of Greek and Roman cultures is Greco-Roman. Hellenistic culture was a Greek culture intermixed with local cultures due to the conquests of Alexander.The term used to describe the mixing of Greek and Roman cultures is Greco-Roman. Hellenistic culture was a Greek culture intermixed with local cultures due to the conquests of Alexander.The term used to describe the mixing of Greek and Roman cultures is Greco-Roman. Hellenistic culture was a Greek culture intermixed with local cultures due to the conquests of Alexander.The term used to describe the mixing of Greek and Roman cultures is Greco-Roman. Hellenistic culture was a Greek culture intermixed with local cultures due to the conquests of Alexander.The term used to describe the mixing of Greek and Roman cultures is Greco-Roman. Hellenistic culture was a Greek culture intermixed with local cultures due to the conquests of Alexander.The term used to describe the mixing of Greek and Roman cultures is Greco-Roman. Hellenistic culture was a Greek culture intermixed with local cultures due to the conquests of Alexander.The term used to describe the mixing of Greek and Roman cultures is Greco-Roman. Hellenistic culture was a Greek culture intermixed with local cultures due to the conquests of Alexander.The term used to describe the mixing of Greek and Roman cultures is Greco-Roman. Hellenistic culture was a Greek culture intermixed with local cultures due to the conquests of Alexander.

What is the blend of greek and Roman cultures?

The blend of Greek and Roman cultures is referred to as Greco-Roman.

How do cultures develop?

they are develiped by your costoms, social

Related questions

What did European and Muslim cultures have in common before crusades?

The European and Muslim cultures before the crusades commonly traded with one another. This is the reason why they had large fleets of merchant ships.

What cultures did Amerigo encounter?

the hardships or obstacles encountered were

What was the clash in cultures between Muslims and Christians in 1095?


Why were crusades important?

The Crusades were important because they were a series of military campaigns. They also gave the opportunity to lear about other cultures and nations.

What is cross cultural interaction?

Cross-cultural interaction means to or more cultures are interacting or blending

Does the crusades have any effects on relationships between modern day cultures?


What are positive consequences of cultural interaction?

Learning from various cultural experiences and ways of life.

What were some of the positive effects of the crusades on education in Europe?

Some positive effects of the Crusades on education in Europe include the introduction of new ideas, cultures, and knowledge from the Middle East, leading to the establishment of universities and increased interest in learning. The interaction with Muslim scholars also helped to translate and preserve classical Greek and Roman texts, contributing to the revival of learning known as the Renaissance.

What is the difference between intercultural and multicultural?

Intercultural means that there is an interaction between two or more cultures. Multicultural means that something pertains to or is represented by many different cultures. The difference is interaction versus representation.

Do we still see affects of the crusades today?

Yes, we still see effects of the Crusades today in terms of religious tensions and relationships between different cultures in the regions that were impacted by the Crusades. The Crusades also left a lasting impact on the politics and power dynamics in the Middle East and Europe.

What were two results of crusades?

The Crusades led to increased trade and cultural exchange between Europe and the Middle East. They also contributed to increased tolerance and understanding of different cultures and religions.

What is the most likely explanation for why the Shang had little interaction with non-Chinese cultures?
