

Best Answer

-Concert of Europe

-Condemnation of the Slave Trade

-Principle of Legitimacy

-German Confederation

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Q: List 3 accomplishments of the congress of Vienna?
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What are five important things in us history between 1865 and 1945?

1. Failure of Reconstruction/beginning of Jim Crow/rise of KKK (reconstruction) 2. Spanish American War/annexation of Hawaii (imperialism) 3. progressivism 4. WWI/influenza 5. Great Depression Of course this list is subjective. You could easily make an argument for the following list: 1. Plessy v. Ferguson 2. Panama Canal 3. Election of 1912 4. Twentieth Amendment 5. Prohibition or this one 1. Electricity 2. Airplanes 3. Automobiles 4. Stock Market Crash 5. Radio

What are some of the roles induviduals play in creating history?

1. An agressor- starting a war or a battle that causes things to change. 2. A dreamer- wants to change how things are run now 3. The forced- People who have the role of hero or leader thrust upon them. The list goes on, just like any character in a book it varies.

Where does the name Catherine come from?

Catherine is a lonely girl sad and upset about something.She meets a guy and falls in love <3<3<3 LOVE <3<3

List 4 achievements during th pax romana?

Because of the emperors' effort, Rome experienced a long period of peace and Achievment.

What is a antonym for compendium?

An expendium, maybe. Though realistically speaking, it doesn't exist. Hypothetically speaking though, if it did exist, it could be one of a few things:1. A list or collection of very few things. Maybe even one thing. Which would make it a non-list.2. A very long, verbose, and not entirely informative exposition on a body of work.3. A publication containing one piece of work and one piece of work alone. Which is, technically speaking, what most books are, anyway. So I guess you could say that the typical storybook is somewhat an 'anti-compendium', or an 'expendium' if you choose to employ a word that doesn't exist to describe something that doesn't exist. Appropriate though, wouldn't you say?

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The congress of Vienna did what?

1. Ended the Napoleonic war 2. Reestablished order in Europe 3. Set up the "Congress System"

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He created a much enlarged Prussia during the Congress of Vienna in 1815.

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hee poopws,and scremed, annd had lots of unprotected anal s3x

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The train time from Vienna to Budapest is 3 - 3 1/2 hours.

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What was the most important accomplishment of the Congress of Vienna?

1. (Relatively) stable borders, recognised by all major powers of the time (at least within Europe, colonies were a different matter entirely), and still largely intact; 2. the establishment of some sort of international law, which previously could only exist bilaterally (between two countries).

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Campbell Playhouse - 1952 Return to Vienna 1-3 was released on: USA: 20 June 1952

Describe the three steps initiated by klemens von metternich that the congress of Vienna took to restore order in Europe?

The congress of Vienna restored the balance of power to a greater extent. All the great powers were given a just equilibrium of states taken from the defeated. The major powers are Britain, Russia,Prussia and Austria. However, not only did the Congress of Vienna try to restore balance of power but also to prevent nationalism and liberalism, contain France, bring back legitimate rulers of Europe and stop slave trade in Europe.