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Q: Is the term feudalism still useful as a historical concept or has it become a misleading myth?
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How was a person's social class decided in feudalism?

Largely by birth. A very few people might become ennobled by performing some great service to the king (saving him from getting killed in a battle, for example).

How would a knight's life have been different if feudalism fell?

Good question! Well knights may not of been very rich and may of not existed! The Feudalism system says that to become a knight, you must be of noble birth and had to be trained in a wide verity of weapons. Why? It's because back in those days, armor was very expensive. It would be very hard to become a knight when you couldn't afford armor. Another thing that may of happened is that the knights wouldn't be granted any land. To get more and more land, they would have to spend more and more time in military service. If knights couldn't get armor which meant they weren't really knights, they wouldn't get land and so, not very rich. Another note is that the framework of the government would fall causing much bickering and fights. Hope this helps!

The year 1789 is an important date in the history of civilization?

In the history of Western Civilization in particular, the year 1789 is a very important historical "date." Marking the outbreak of the French Revolution, this year generally sparked the transformation of Europe from a traditional, monarchical, classed society into the modern society -- characterized above all by political liberalism, including a basic commitment to democracy and an increasingly global values-perspective -- that it has become.

How do you become a legion?

Become a legion? A legion was a section of a Roman army. A legion is about 6 thousand soldiers.

What accurately differentiates royalty from nobles in Maya society?

Only Kings and their relatives could become royalty, while effective military leaders and politicians could become nobles.

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Is this true or false statistics are only used to present information in a biased and therefore misleading way?

Statistics themselves are purely factual and can not be biased or misleading. When people start making inferences and interpretations based on the statistics, that is when they can become biased or misleading.

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What are the limits of feudalism?

The limits of Feudalism is that it bound people to a certain class depending on who they were. This meant that there was never a chance that a peasant could become a knight or a king. They would always be locked into their social class.

Who did the vassals eventually become and how did they support themselves?

Vassals could receive more land from the lord and if they were rich enough, vassals could become a lord to other vassals. Feudalism could become confusing.

How do you become saved if you follow Judaism?

The need and process to "become saved" is not a Judaic concept.

Why did feudalism become wide spread throughout Europe?

Feudalism is a social system of rights and duties based on land tenure and personal relationships in which land is held in fief by vassals from lords to whom they owe specific services and with whom they are bound by personal loyalty.

How has the concept of money become informationally enriched?

because i m a gay

What is the concept of naturalization?

The concept of naturalization is that a person does not have to be born in the United States to become a citizen. By fulfilling certain requirements a person can become a citizen, with virtually all the rights and privileges of someone who was born here.

What needs were served by feudalism in japan?

feudalism developed for the want of an order, of rank especially, in society. Someone would proclaim himself the sovereign, but others, wanting to become like him, and make otehrs feel inferior, would give themselves the status of being higher than the rest.

How does the garden of Eden become a metaphor for historical events?

the garden is old

What is a concepts?

Concept is the encapsulation of the total information about a subject or an object.conceptConcept is an idea or an intention. Concept can be a invention to help sell something.

How did the growing importance of kings help nations become stronger in Europe in the middle ages?

In Time, Kings gained power as different forces weakened feudalism.