To distinguish their units from those of the Union Army, which wore the blue, from the distance and on the. battlefield.
Indeed, in the early stage of the conflict many units of both sides were dressed with clothes of similar colours, what led to several deadly accidents, during the fighting.
The north wear blue and the south wear gray
In the US Civil War, the Union (North) Army usually wore blue. The South wore Grey but often they didn't have official uniforms.
During the Civil War, the Confederate soldiers wore gray uniforms. The Union solders wore blue uniforms. They were usually called by their uniform color. The uniforms were usually made of wool.
Hi, If you are refffering to the civil war soldiers, the southern soldiers wore gray uniforms, the northern wore blue. Hope this helps. GRAY Grey
The Union Army always wore blue uniforms, while the Confederate Army always wore gray uniforms. The Confederate Army, however, were not as wealthy as the Union Army, and therefore couldn't always afford uniforms for all their soldiers. Many Confederates wore their own clothes during combat.
they wore little gray and the shirts had buttons on.
The group who wore the gray uniforms were the Confederates from the south. The Union soldiers of the north wore the blue uniforms.
They wore gray uniforms
In the US Civil War, the soldiers of the north wore a dark blue uniform, and the soldiers of the south wore gray uniforms. The war is still remembered in terms of blue vs. gray.
The Confederates (south) wore gray and a color called Butternut, and the Union (north) wore a blue-gray more blue then gray type of uniform.
Confederate soilders wore gray or yellowish-brown uniforms.
Gray is awe-inspiring due to its unnatural nature. It is neither the evil of black nor the benevolence of white. Instead, it is cold and chilling apathy.
The confederates wore grey uniforms. Though shortage of uniforms often meant that some confederate soldiers wore clothes from home. Union uniforms were a dark blue.
They didn't.
Gray. Confederate uniforms were gray with red piping.
The north wear blue and the south wear gray
Most of the standard Federal uniforms were blue, but there were units that wore gray, green, black and even multicolored uniforms with balloon pants and red hats!