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This depends entirely on who you are - women were far better off in Sparta as opposed to Athenian women who were housekeepers and child-rearers; Sparta had serfs who were mostly free on their own farms, Athens had slaves; Spartan citizens lived for military service, supported by the serfs, Athenian citizens had to work at a job and also do military service. Take your pick.

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Q: Would you rather have lived in Athens or Sparta?
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Is little available food a characteristic of Athens Sparta both?

Both had adequate food supplies. The Spartans received theirs from their serf population who rendered half their produce to Sparta. Athens turned the Delian League it had led against Persia into an empire of its own and lived high on the tax it extorted from the 180 Greek city-states it dominated.

Who Imagine you live in Ancient Greece. Would you rather live in Athens or Sparta Why?

It would depend entirely on your status: a. as a free male, if were you were free in Athens, you had to work hard at farming, fishing, a trade or a labourer; you were called out for military service as needed. In Sparta as a citizen, you were supported by the state on the income derived from a serf population, and devoted yourself . b. as a free woman, in Athens you had to bear and raise children, work in the house and farm or business, and were kept in virtual purdah. In Sparta you were free to come and go, and indulge in athletic and cultural events. c. If you were not a free male, in Athens as a slave you worked in the farm, house or business endless hours. In Sparta they were serfs who did their own thing but rendered half their produce to the Spartan state. d. If you were not a free female, you worked in the house and farm and were at the disposal of the owning male. In Sparta, the female serfs lived with their male partners. Take your pick.

What statement best describes men and women in ancient Athens?

The men dominated life, the women were home-bound chattels except in rare instances such as Sparta where they lived an open life.

What city-states helped Athens in battle with Sparta?

About 180 city-states of Asia Minor and the Aegean islands called the Delian league, which ad been led by Athens against the Persian Empire, were converted into an empire of Athens after the Persian threat ended. Athens lived of the resources of these cities, and levied naval and land forces from them. This gave it the power to meddle in the affairs of other Greek city-states, leading to the devastating 27-year Peloponnesian War against the Peloponnesian League led by Sparta.

Is it true that Athens formed the Delian League with other city-states including Sparta?

After the Persian invasion was repelled by the coalition of southern Greek cities, Sparta wanted to evacuate the cities in Asia Minor back to Greece to avoid further clashes with the persian Empire. Athens had a better idea - to form a league of Greek city-states in Asia Minor and the Islands against Persian intervention. Sparta was having problems with its restive serf population at home and did not join the Delian League. Athens later turned the League into an empire of its own, and lived high on the proceeds.

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Why do you think they lived in Athens and not in Sparta?

Who is they. The citizens of Sparta lived in Sparta. The citizens of Athens lived in Athns. Each preferred their own city, which is why they were citizens of that city.

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Would you rather lived in Sparta or in Athens?

This depends entirely on who you are - women were far better off in Sparta as opposed to Athenian women who were housekeepers and child-rearers; Sparta had serfs who were mostly free on their own farms, Athens had slaves; Spartan citizens lived for military service, supported by the serfs, Athenian citizens had to work at a job and also do military service. Take your pick.

Did Socrates live in Sparta?

No, Socrates did not live in Sparta. He lived in Athens, where he became known for his philosophy and teaching methods.

Did Athens people have plenty of food?

Yes most people who lived in Athens did have plenty of food but Sparta did not

Did socrates live in smarta?

No, Socrates did not live in Sparta. He was an ancient Greek philosopher who lived in Athens.

How many people lived in Sparta in 400 bc?

Even counting its helots, Sparta's population did not come anywhere near Athens' quarter million.

Did Marc Antony live in Sparta or Athens?

Marc Antony lived for a while in Athens, along with his wife, Octavia. The Athenians honored them both with statues and inscribed plaques.

Was ancient Sparta or ancient Athens better?

This first requires identification. What is better - better at what? Both were warlike. Both had strong religious observances. .Sparta lived on its serf population and was a limited democracy. Athens lived on its slave population and the other city-states of its empire, and developed a radical democracy which it was exploited by its aristocracy.

Why were there not many merchants in Sparta?

Sparta was a rural society. The city was more like a collection of villages. It lived frugally on its produce rather than on trade.

Where did the ancient Greeks live?

The ancient Greeks lived in Greece. The normal house was a courtyard with rooms around it. Most Greeks lived near the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and in southern Europe. Some citys they lived in are Athens, Sparta, and Crete. They inspired many cultures from their beliefs.

Affect the Persian Wars had on the economy and political makeup of Athens and Sparta?

The wars did not affect the political make up -Sparta continued as a limited democracy and Athens developed a radical democracy of their own making. Economically, Sparta continued to live on the serf population which gave half their produce to Sparta, Athens converted the Delian League it had led against Persia in the latter stages of the war, into an empire of its own, and lived high on the proceeds mulcted from those city-states.