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it was so bad because workers got sick and they lost here jobs for the littlest things and they didnt get payed inof

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Q: Why were working conditions so bad in the early 1900s?
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Living and Working Conditions in the early 1900s?

Working conditions in the early 1900s were really bad as the people who could actually afford houses were only to find out that the houses were really poorly built with a thin layer of brick and 1 toilet which was shared with anyone else on the street meaning that sometimes over 160 people would use the same toilet as you.

How bad were working conditions in the early 1800s?

they dont have money to much and they dont have transportation.

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Why did people leave Italy in early 1900s?

because of bad economics . and bad jobs! arrived at Ellis island !

Why did workers go on strike and begin to form trade unions in the 1830s?

bad working conditions

Why can't kids get jobs?

In the early 1900's children were working in really bad conditions and were abused, so child labor laws were passed to protect them.

Working conditions in England in 1873 to 1901?

the factory conditions were really bad. they were uninsulated and had very bad air but also had bad hours and low pay

Why did the working conitions improve in the late 1800's and early 1900s?

Because time changed soon factors weren't so bad because their was new machinery was invented and it took less people to work them then they became less dangerous.

What were working conditions like in the 1830?

very bad like a piecer

What was one outcome of laissez-fair economic policies?

Bad working conditions

What developed as a way for workers to protect themselves against bad working conditions?

Labor Unions.

What what were working conditions like prior to labor unions?

Children had to work long hard hours in terrible conditions , not getting payed nearly enough for their work.