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They were upset because of mass murder, theft of Church and notabilities' lands, acts of terrorism, an idiotic government which hated both replacing the old way, as well as rejecting the notion of human rights.

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because yes gay boys

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Q: Why were members of the French nobility and the French Catholic Church upset about the revolution?
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What did the french revolution get rid of?

Catholic church, Christianity, king, nobility

If you lived in France in 1780 before the French revolution and you were a member of the ordained priests you would be member of what Catholic Church?

There is only one Catholic Church, and all ordained priests were members of it before the revolution.

Did the First Estate include the French nobility?

No. The First Estate consisted only of the Catholic Clergy, and the Second Estate was made up of the nobles. There was however a defenite cross over between the two Estates because French Bishops were all chosen by the King and most of the top ranking members of the Catholic Church were also members of the Nobility.

What is a first estate?

The First Estate during the French Revolution was the nobility.

Who had power in feudal Europe?

The nobility and the king had power, but over them was the Catholic Church. The church was the ultimate power over everyone.

How does the French Revolution relate to the Catholic Church?

The Catholic Church was the richest institution in the country and the largest land owner.

Who feared a revolution would cost them property?

The nobility and the Church. Both had extensive land holdings.

What are some Roman Catholic Church facts about kids?

The Roman Catholic Church is over a billion members !

Which estate included members of the Roman Catholic clergy?

It's just Catholic, not Roman Catholic. Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is never used by the official Catholic Church. . The clergy comprised the First Estate in France before the revolution and the Lords Spiritual in England.

French Revolution hostile to the Catholic Church?

The French revolution was extremely hostile to the Catholic Church. They guillotined priests, nuns, and sisters by the hundreds, desecrated Churches, and destroyed priceless relics.

How did the Scientific Revolution weaken the Catholic Church?

The "Scientific Revolution" did not weaken the Catholic Church, the Scientific Revolution was brought about by the Catholic Church. Nearly everyone who contributed to it for centuries was Catholic, in many notable cases, they were even clergy or monks. People of a protestant or secular viewpoint often make the claim that the scientific revolution led to a weakening of the Church because the Church relied on things not seen, while science relied on provable facts, but this is a straw argument, and doesn't touch the reality that everyone actually doing the science was a Catholic.

What are the three estates in France prior to the revolution?

The Catholic Clergy made up the First Estate. The French Nobles made up the Second Estate. The commoners were all lumped into the Third Estate.