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The conventions of the day only allowed three actors with speaking roles to be used. The masks let them change roles with the most simplest and quickest of actions and allowed one part to be played by anyone. The masks were usually caricatures of famous people or extreme emotions e.g. an unnecessarily large smile, so they could also display who/what that character was supposed to be.

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Only men were allowed to be actors so they would wear them to show the audience who they were playing or whether they are male or female. the also wore them to show exaggerated emotion.

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help the audience see them

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Masks were used in theatre to play roles.

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Q: Why were masks so important in Greek theatre?
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Four purposes of masks in greek theatre?

The purpose of masks in Greek theatre was so that the audience could see the characters' faces from far away. The masks represented characters from history and mythology, who would be familiar to the audience.

Why were the masks made for greek theatre?

they were made so that the people in the very back could see their expressions

Why was The House of Masks important in Ancient Greece?

The so-called House of Masks in Delos was probably a boarding house for actors who performed in the theatre wearing the masks.

Who wore masks in greek theatre?

The men, as they were the only people allowed to be actors at the time. Intially at the birth of greek theatre there were only two characters, but that grew to three, with the addition of a chorus. The masks were used to help them project their voice to the back of the ampitheatre as well as the masks having expressions on them so they can be seen from the back too

Did Greek masks survive?

i think so

Why is the design of ancient Greek theatre so important?

It might be something to do with their god of harvest and wine

What Greek masks like?

Greek masks are made out of wood, cork, mud and linen. They can look like anything. The Greeks made them very over the top so the audience could see clearly how they were meant to be feeling. They used very big lumps as eyebrows and noses. We are making Greek masks in history and it is really fun.

Why did Greek actors wear masks during a performance?

Greek theatrical masks are used so men can pretend to be woman and so they can play several parts. They also used masks so the people at the back can see there face expressions. The uses of masks in ancient Greek theatre draw their origin from the ancient dionysiac culture. Thespis was the first writer, who used a mask. Usually the masks were made of linen, wood, or leather. A marble or stone face was used as a mould for the mask. Human or animal hair was also used. The eyes were fully drawn but in the place of the pupil of the eye was a small hole so that the actor could see. Some people claim that the masks had one more significance they added resonance to the voice of an actor so that everyone in the huge ancient theatre could hear him. The members of the chorus wore masks, usually similar to each other but completely different from the leading actors.

Why do mayans wear masks at ceremonies?

only the very important people wear the masks so the people think they are gods and the will respect them

What are facts about the theater?

A Roman theatre was very similar to a Greek theatre because the Romans were deeply influenced by the Greeks. They were semicircular with stone steps for the seating and the were open air. Unlike the Greeks, who aways built theatres on hillsides surrounded at the back and sides by it , the Romans also built theatres with their own foundations and away from hillsides. As for Roman theatre as a performing art, there were festival performances, dramas, tragedies, satires, situational comedies, street theatre, acrobatics and nude dances. Roman actors wore masks with exaggerated expressions so that they the audiences could see them better. The masks also enabled actors to perform several characters and to perform female characters. All actors were males. The use of masks was also borrowed from the Greeks.

How do you know so much about ancient greek theatre?

The same way we know about all Greek culture, they had written documents, buildings, art, and so on.

Why is greek theater so important in the history of theater?

The Greeks were responisble for beginning many things in civilisation, and theatre is one of them. They were the first society to create a stage (an 'amphiheatre') - outside, with no roof, and space to seat thousands (usually around 18,000) of people. They used this forum to present plays which helped them to decide important issues with regards to politics & their government. Performances were the culmination of a festival. They divided their performances into Comedy and Tragedy. They introduced the idea of using masks into their performances, as the auditorium (seating space) was so large that those at the back couldn't see the actor's faces properly - masks were simply an exaggeration of the emotions the characters were portraying. The accoustics, however, were astounding - someone on the back row of an amphitheatre could hear an actor talking (without shouting) perfectly. Theatre created debate, and was watched by everyone that could fit it, as it was seem as a very important tool to solve problems of the day. Perhaps this aspect of theatre, essential to the Greeks, should become more important to us nowadays, as it was the reason for its creation.