empires were important because if the countries didn't take over one another then they wouldn't have the things we have to day .It also spread certain religions and languages around the world
Babylonia and Assyria
Several of them, qualify as such. However, the two most important are the Mexica or Aztec, and the Mayan Empires.
most of all the empires and till this day use the writing system
Akkad and Sumer established the beginning of civilisation in the Middle East.
They all were very violent to get there ways and conquer lands.
Babylonia and Assyria
Several of them, qualify as such. However, the two most important are the Mexica or Aztec, and the Mayan Empires.
eastern orthodox christianity
They served as tranportation across the Sahara dessert
The Niger River
Because that's usually how empires grew, and empires wanted to grow. Keeping a situation static - freezing it at one given moment isn't natural, change is. So if there has to be change, better to be growing than to be shrinking.
Sumer: Babylonia: Hammurabi Assyria: Chaldea: Nebuchadnezzar Most important: Nebuchadnezzar
most of all the empires and till this day use the writing system
Akkad and Sumer established the beginning of civilisation in the Middle East.