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British sailors were issued lime juice as a remedy for scurvy.

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Q: Why were British sailors called limies?
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Why were the british sailors called limies?

Because they found that consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables, particularly those rich in Vitamin C prevented the development of Scurvy - limes are rich in Vitamin C

Which saloirs recover from the scurvy?

Scurvy is the name for a vitamin defficency disease- the vitamin missing is Vitamin C. Sailors in the British Navy were given lime juice, which has a high vitamin C content, and did not get scurvy. Which is how the British got the nickname "limies".

Why do Americans call us limies?

In the past when it was realised that vitamin C helped to prevent scurvy the British navy began to take Limes and Lemons on board ships to give to the sailors, hence the name 'Limey.'

Why were British soldiers called limies?

Prior to the 1700s, sailors often developed the disease scurvy, which would afflict them after long times at sea when eating only preserved foods. By the early 1700's, the British navy had determined that giving sailors a daily ration of lemon juice or lime juice could prevent the disease. Scurvy continued to be a problem until the late 1700s, as some voyages were so long that the ships weren't able to carry enough fresh fruit. By the early 1800's, the term "Limey" had come into use as a pejorative term for British sailors, and the term spread to British soldiers and then to anybody from Britain.

When England was forcing US sailors to work in the british navy this was called?

Americans were angered by the British practice of impressment which American sailors were forced into the British navy.

What were british sailors used to be called?

swabs, tars and limeys

British seized sailors from American ships?

Yes and it was called "impressment".

What was the british practice of stopping American ships at sea forcing the sailors to serve in the british navy called?


What do you eat to stop getting scurvy?

You eat anything that gives you vitamin C to avoid scurvy. The classic food used by the English Navy was lime juice. That is why people from England, especially the sailors, were called limies. Of course, lemons and oranges are among the other foods that will provide similar protection.

The British navy needed sailors and began taking them off American vessels by force in a procedure called impressment?

The British navy needed sailors and began taking them off American vessels by force in a procedure called impressment or "press ganging." This was because British seamen often deserted.

What term describes the British policy of taking American sailors and forcing them to work in British ships?

its also called impressment .

Where were US's sailors were kidnapped?
