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They wanted to avoid religious quarrels.

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avoid religious quarrels!(Apex)

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Q: Why was tolerance important to people in Rhode Island and Maryland?
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Which English colony was the first to promote religious tolerance?

Rhode Island was the first. It was based on having all people that wanted to live there have the opportunity to do so.

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Did people on Roanoke island have religious tolerance?

There is no clear evidence to suggest that people on Roanoke Island practiced religious tolerance. The early English settlers were primarily Protestant, and there are no documented accounts of interactions with other religious groups in the area.

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Which two colonies had the greatest religious tolerance?

Maryland comes in second because any Chritian religious believing in the "trinity" were permitted to worship. Rhode Island wins with its tolerance for every religion. Including Jews and atheists.

Because of its policy of religious tolerance which colony attracted unusual numbers of indepenent minde people?

Rhode Island

Why was Maryland the first colony to promote religious tolerance?

Maryland was founded as a refuge for Catholics fleeing persecution in England. The colony's founder, Lord Baltimore, wanted to create a place where people of all religious backgrounds could worship freely. This commitment to religious tolerance was enshrined in the Maryland Toleration Act of 1649.

Who were 2 important people of early Maryland?

desmond Davis and tyrei pollard

Who were the important people in Maryland?

Abarham licoln George washinton And washinton d.c. is part of west virginia and maryland answered by: chloe wells

Why tolerance an important responsibility of citizenship?

Respecting others' opinions and ways of life is also important united states is a nation of diverse people .Everyone has aright to his or her own opinions and belief all these different people to get along, citizens must respect and accept others. This is called tolerance.

Why is tolerance an important responsibility of citizenship?

Respecting others' opinions and ways of life is also important united states is a nation of diverse people .Everyone has aright to his or her own opinions and belief all these different people to get along, citizens must respect and accept others. This is called tolerance.

Why is tyranny important?

Because it gauges the tolerance of people. If successful other world leaders can use this as a record of measure.