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Tobacco was considered a poor man's crop because it could be produced easily and quickly.

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Q: Why was tobacco considered a poor man's crop?
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Why was tobacco called poor man's crop and sugar a rich man's crop?

tobacco was called a poor man's crop because it did not require as many workers to harvest it per acre. sugar, however, was known as a rich-man's crop because it required three times as many workers per acre to raise cane, which greatly increased the demand for labor, turning the British West Indies into a predominantly slave society by 1670.

Why is a potato called a poor mans food?

back thin that's all poor people could eat becase it was cheap and easey to grow

What was the settlers greatest problem in having success with growing tobacco?

One major issue for Chesapeake planters who were growing tobacco was the availability and acceptance of slave labor.

Was the economy of Jamestown effected by slavery?

Yes. Jamestown's economy was based almost exclusively on producing and exporting tobacco. Tobacco was a VERY labour-intensive crop that needed care almost year round. The English quickly found out that in order to grow enough tobacco to make a profit, they had to get a LOT more people to work for them. They tried to enslave the Native Americans, but they were very sensitive to European disease and they knew they terrain very well and could easily escape. This made them poor candidates for the job the colonists had in mind. Instead, Jamestown turned to the cheapest form of labour it could find; African slaves. They slaves were put to work in the tobacco fields, and, with their help, Jamestown was able to export HUGE amounts of tobacco. Without the use of African Slaves, the colonists of Jamestown wouldn't have been able to produce enough tobacco to make a profit and the colony probably would've failed.

Was lobster once a poor man's food?

Yes,in certain locations like Maine where it was abundant it was considered poor man's food.

Related questions

Why was tobacco considered a poor man's?

Tobacco was considered a poor man's crop because it could be produced easily and quickly.

Why was tobacco called poor man's crop and sugar a rich man's crop?

tobacco was called a poor man's crop because it did not require as many workers to harvest it per acre. sugar, however, was known as a rich-man's crop because it required three times as many workers per acre to raise cane, which greatly increased the demand for labor, turning the British West Indies into a predominantly slave society by 1670.

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Tata nano

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It meant poor white trash fighting for the continued wealth of slave-owners

What is poor mans cocaine?

poor mans cocaine is ritilan or adderall prescribed for people with add commonly abused by high school and college students

What will life be like without bananas?

It would be hard for many people, as it is considered as the poor mans fruit.(despite it actually being a herb)

What does the term a poor mans Wendy mean?

In the movie "The Wedding Planner", Mary referred to herself as a "poor man's Wendy" because she considered herself second best to her ex-fiance's wife, "Wendy".

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What is called the poor man's crop?


Why is crop rotation considered as a good agricultural practice?

Crop rotation can disrupt insect life cycles and enrich the soil with additional nutrients. Crop rotations increase soil fertility, protect the environment, eradicate weeds, illnesses, and pests, and increase the variety of crops and markets.

What was the main crop of poor subsistence farmers in the south?

The main crop of poor subsistence farmers in the South was cotton. Cotton was a vital cash crop for these farmers, as it could be sold for profit and was in high demand for textiles.

Why shouldn't you smoke tobacco?

because I'm poor.