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Alot of his men froze to death.
After Napoleon seized Moscow, the Russian were able to cheat him by a false friendly attitude of their troops deployed on the front.

This attitude induced Napoleon even to send on Oct. 5,1812 a delegation led by General Lauriston to Saint Petersburg in order to negotiate an armistice as a preliminary for negotiating a peace of compromise.

The delegation never reach the Russian Capital because they were stopped by Kutuzov at his Headquarter. The documents containing Napoleon's proposals were sent by Russians couriers to the Czar, who rejected Napoleon's proposals .

Napoleon was so convinced that the victory of Borodino and the seize of Moscow, the Russian religious Capital, were so decisive to convince the Czar to accept the terms, that he sent a second delegation on Oct. 14,1812, with the same result.

It was a fatal mistake because the only purpose of the Russian behavior was to make him staying behind and around the city as long as possible, until the French Army would have been bogged down by the Autumnal rainfalls and mud. But Napoleon didn't properly assessed the situation, giving the priority to and delayed too much the retreat, giving the priority to political reasons, which turned out to be illusory, with disastrous consequences for himself and his army.

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Q: Why was it a mistake for Napoleon to stay in in Moscow until mid October?
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How did Napoleon plan to defeat Russia?

He hoped to get the Russian army to engage in battle early but the Russians kept retreating until Borodino and then they fell back beyond Moscow. Napoleon was welcomed to Moscow by a burning city and the Russian winter.

Why does Russia have two capital cities?

Well, technically Russia only has one capital city, which is Moscow. St. Petersburg was the capital between Peter the Great's rule until the end of czarist Russia. The capital was moved to Moscow during the October Revolution. The reason they moved is because Moscow is the only other LARGE city which is closer to all the other Soviet states. Before Peter the Great built St. Petersburg, Moscow was the capital.

What were some of napoleons mistakes?

Napoleon Bonaparte biggest mistake when he invaded Russia was the army he used was not all French and they had little loyalty to Napoleon (420,000 troops) and since Napoleons army depended on the food of the land Russia used the scorch earth policy and Napoleon and his troops left in the winter, freezing and cold, when they arrived back to France Napoleon was left with 10,000 troops 410k died on the way back.IMPROVEMENTNapoleon's biggest mistake was that of refusing to retreat from Moscow after the city was set on fire on Sept. 15-17,1812. The Russian had scorched the earth all around the city for a radius of 150 kilometers. Therefore there were no source of provisions at disposal.Had he retreated from Moscow until the end of September he would have the opportunity to near the deposits of supplies, gathering the garrisons left behind and shorten the front before the winter had come. But it seemed he was living outside of the reality, lulling himself into the false illusion that the Tsar would have agreed to make the peace accepting the defeat. Therefore some 20 precious and decisive days were lost, with the well known consequences.

Who was the leader of France in 1804?

Napoleon Bonaparte, who called himself Emperor Napoleon I, ruled France from 1804 until 1814.

What major event happened in 1821?

In 1812, Napoleon invaded Russia. He advanced deep into Russia until he got to Moscow. He then issued a retreat and headed back for France. The Russian winter took countless lives. Then Napoleon abandoned his Grand Army and fled to France in disguise.

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How did Napoleon plan to defeat Russia?

He hoped to get the Russian army to engage in battle early but the Russians kept retreating until Borodino and then they fell back beyond Moscow. Napoleon was welcomed to Moscow by a burning city and the Russian winter.

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From October of 1815 until his death there on 5 May 1821.

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Moscow Time (MSK) changed to UTC + 3 hours in October 2014, so...from the last Sun. of Oct. until the last Sun. of Mar., Moscow is 3 hrs. ahead of London, andfrom the last Sun. of Mar. until the last Sun. of Oct., Moscow is 2 hrs. ahead of London.March-October: Moscow is 2 hours ahead of England.October-March: Moscow is 3 hours ahead of England.

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From the 2nd Sun. of Mar. to the 1st Sun. of Nov., Moscow (UTC+3) is 7 hours ahead of New York (UTC-4).From the 1st Sun. of Nov. to the 2nd Sun. of Mar., Moscow (UTC+3) is 8 hours ahead of New York (UTC-5).

Was WW 1 about Napoleon?

No, WWI didn't begin until a century after Napoleon left the battlefield.

Why does Russia have two capital cities?

Well, technically Russia only has one capital city, which is Moscow. St. Petersburg was the capital between Peter the Great's rule until the end of czarist Russia. The capital was moved to Moscow during the October Revolution. The reason they moved is because Moscow is the only other LARGE city which is closer to all the other Soviet states. Before Peter the Great built St. Petersburg, Moscow was the capital.

What were some of napoleons mistakes?

Napoleon Bonaparte biggest mistake when he invaded Russia was the army he used was not all French and they had little loyalty to Napoleon (420,000 troops) and since Napoleons army depended on the food of the land Russia used the scorch earth policy and Napoleon and his troops left in the winter, freezing and cold, when they arrived back to France Napoleon was left with 10,000 troops 410k died on the way back.IMPROVEMENTNapoleon's biggest mistake was that of refusing to retreat from Moscow after the city was set on fire on Sept. 15-17,1812. The Russian had scorched the earth all around the city for a radius of 150 kilometers. Therefore there were no source of provisions at disposal.Had he retreated from Moscow until the end of September he would have the opportunity to near the deposits of supplies, gathering the garrisons left behind and shorten the front before the winter had come. But it seemed he was living outside of the reality, lulling himself into the false illusion that the Tsar would have agreed to make the peace accepting the defeat. Therefore some 20 precious and decisive days were lost, with the well known consequences.

Who was the leader of France in 1804?

Napoleon Bonaparte, who called himself Emperor Napoleon I, ruled France from 1804 until 1814.

What major event happened in 1821?

In 1812, Napoleon invaded Russia. He advanced deep into Russia until he got to Moscow. He then issued a retreat and headed back for France. The Russian winter took countless lives. Then Napoleon abandoned his Grand Army and fled to France in disguise.

What was the Era of time Napoleon lived in?

He lived from 1769 until 1821.

Who was the leader of the French Conquest of Europe?

Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte, who ruled until his final defeat at the battle of Waterloo in 1815

What was the capital of russia during ww2?

Moscow. It was changed from St. Petersburg in 1918