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Churchills' handling of the issue of the return to the Gold Standard (1925 I think) leaves a lot to be desired. Politically before WW2 he endured a period known as the wilderness years: Despite his magnificent oratory in the war Churchill was not always popular, especially within his own party. Although one might regard Churchill as a great leader in Wartime his peacetime policies have been called into question.

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13y ago

While Winston Churchill did some good things for Britain specifically, he was deeply racist and therefore a very bad person to be leading an empire which spanned the world and consisted of many different races. In fact, Winston Churchill really hated Gandhi and was extremely bad to the Indians. It is estimated that about 1 million Indians died because he turned a blind eye towards the famines occurring in the colony. While it was an "outrage" for British families to be rationing food during WW2, it was some how totally fine that Indians were starving to death because the British empire tore down the grain stores that India had put in place to avoid famines in the future. In addition, part of the reason that Pakistan and India have such bad relations today is because Winston Churchill wanted it to happen that way. He made it such that when the partition happened, it would not be pretty and the tension he started is shown years later.

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14y ago

Ego, self-promotion, Gallipoli Operation and Chancellor of the Exchequer. President Roosevelt said it the best during WWII, when he remarked "Winston has 100 ideas a day, three of which are good, and he doesn't know which three they are". Other than that he was a magnificant figure.

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4y ago

because he wasn't a ladd

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Q: Why was Winston Churchill a bad leader?
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