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Partially, they had good plans for mobilization, but had seriouely underestimated the military supply requirements. As a result many of their units went into battle underequiped and with little ammunition reserves. The supply problems were never fully solved and as a result the Russian armies were often badly beaten by much better prepared Germans.

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14y ago

In a sense, America was somewhat ready for WWI confrontation. It stayed neutral until the German submarine and naval armies created a circular blockade around the U.s. because America was the major WWI supplyer to both Germany and Britain. Germany sought to cut off American trade with the British so that they could weaken the Brits. The German subs were ordered to sink any vessels entering or exiting Britain's waters and as a result, many U.S. cargo and supply ships were sunk by mistake. However, it seemed very likely that the U.S. would somehow get involved and was prepared in case. duh

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13y ago

Russia was not prepared for WWI for four major reasons:

1. Their economy was terrible (so much so that WWI gave the czar Nicholas relief from the economy).

2. The factories couldn't produce military supplies fast enough.

3. The transportation was weak.

4. The troops weren't prepared to fight a major war.


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12y ago

They had imcompetent military leaders, poorly armed military, and a weak armament industry.

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Q: Why was Russia not prepared for World War 1?
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'Russia' was too busy to involve US into a World War I as there was a revolution in Russia at that time.

Who was the leader of Russia during World War I?

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