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Russia saw itself as the great protector of all Serbian people, there were even thoughts of a Serbian Empire. Russia was obligated to defend Serbia in a conflict in return for Serbia's agreement of the annexation of Bosnia.

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The Ottoman Empire to the south was dwindling. The Russians knew that when states in the Balkans had Nationalist rebellions and seceded from the Ottoman Empire they would be easy to annex into the Russian Empire. Therefore, the Russians supported Balkan Nationalism because they wanted to annex more land and have a better foothold in Europe. The Austrians had a similar idea, figuring they could conquer/annex any land lost to the Ottoman Empire. Therefore, the Austrians annexed Serbia, angered a lot of Serbians and led to the assassination of Franz Ferdinand Hapsburg, a symbolic gesture for the anger the Serbian nation felt toward the Austrians. The Russians felt if they supported Serbia and all those other countries, they would annex them and not face similar problems because they were all Slavs and therefore wouldn't see the Russians so much as foreign rulers.

Russia allied with Serbia due to their common Slavic background. Russia was the most powerful Slavic country and felt it was their duty to protect the struggling Serbia. Also, Russia felt it was an obligation to protect their honor. They had just lost a war with Japan, which was a global embarrassment because Japan was not a European power (there was the idea of European supremacy). They had not been able to protect their fellow Slavs before and this was a source of shame, so they felt they had no choice but to ally with Serbia.

The Russians and Serbs (Along with every other Slavic country) followed a common belief formally named Pan Slavism. This Pan Slavism entailed that all Slavic countries all shared the same nationality, as well as the fact that they shared a language. Russia was the largest Slavic country, and in that fact, waited an obligation to protect their fellow "countrymen". When Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, the Russians were forced to enter the war to protect their cousins.

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13y ago

Altough not close to Serbia, Russia had it's own interest in Balkans. But also, they had an emotional connection with the Serbs. They where historicly Serbian allies and share Slavic roots, religion, culture....

Answerthat and its ties with Bulgaria were not very good so it had to find a new favourite country on the balkans
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14y ago

Just simply because alliances were very common at this time period, and often, as we would see in World War I, very dangerous. Countries had alliances to be able to have a friend in battle, someone to join them when they were in a time of need. Most alliances were between countries who had some agreement, similar ideas, beliefs and/or government systems. I believe Serbia and Russia had such similarities, thus they were in an alliance together.

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12y ago

after the assassination of Austria- Hungary's next heir (Francis Archduke) Serbia. Austria Hungary sent Serbia a ultimatum which Serbia did not agree with all terms. therefore Austria declared war on Serbia. realizing that Serbia was not strong enough to defeat Austria, they run to Russia for help

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12y ago

The Serb majority are followers of the Russian Orthodox Church.

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10y ago

Russia backed Serbia since it considered itself the protector of slave nations. Serbia was protected by a treaty they signed with Russia.

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14y ago

- pan-slavism

- main enemy: Austria-Hungary

- Russia's future access to the sea

- influence in the Balkans

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14y ago

They were Allies, since that's how World War I really got started. Countries were tangled up in webs with other countries, so when one got into the war, many had to follow it.

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Q: Why was Russia allied with Serbia during World War 1?
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