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poor workers lived in poor conditions so Robert Owen and the lever brothers thought if they lived better then they could do more work!

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Q: Why was Robert Owen and the lever brothers built better houses?
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Why were houses built?

To provide better shelter than natural formations could.

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Manor houses were of two types, those that were fortified and those that were not. Those that were fortified were generally built of stone and looked quite a lot like castles. Those that were not fortified were generally built of timbered construction, but were better built than most houses and the areas between timbers were more likely to be filled with brick than with wattle and daub. There is a link below to a related question on manor houses.

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How houses in rainy areas are built?

Many houses are built in rainy areas by builders who work in all weathers.

What different types of house were built by the Anasazi?

The different types of housing were built by the Anasazi were that the built houses on top of each other, creating large multistoried complexes. They also built their houses in canyon walls. On th other hand, they built cliff dwellings. They built houses such as longhouse, kivas, pueblos, and teepees

Why were log cabins built?

they were built as poor people houses