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I think this was because during the World War I, Britain blocked all the seaways which lead to Germany. So, Germany didn't want to be locked and they took control this other land, which helped them trade with other countries.

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The reason was to give the recreated country of Poland access to the sea.

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Q: Why was Germany divided into separate parts along the Baltic Sea coast afer WW1?
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Why was Germany divided into two separate parts along the Baltic Sea coast after World War 1?

Germany was divided into two parts so Poland could be granted access to the sea.

The Baltic nations are what countries?

countries with shorelines along the Baltic are - Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Finland, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Russia and Sweden. The shorthand Baltic States are Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania

What sea is stockholm located along?

Stockholm is located along the Baltic Sea.

What may have been the reason that Germany was divided into two separated parts along the Baltic sea after world war 1?

I think this was because during the World War I, Britain blocked all the seaways which lead to Germany. So, Germany didn't want to be locked and they took control this other land, which helped them trade with other countries.

What continents border the baltic sea?

The Baltic Sea is bordered by the continents of Europe to the south and Asia to the east. The countries with coastlines along the Baltic Sea include Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Germany, and Denmark.

In which countries of the world is amber found?

Amber in general has its biggest depositories in the Baltic region. Baltic Amber is found all along the Baltic and North seas from the north of Germany to Sambia, which is now part of Russia. i u want to know more just go to :]

Which of these nations is not one of the Baltic states A Latvia B Lithuania C Estonia D Germany?

GermanyLithuania, Latvia, and Estonia are the three countries that make up the Baltic States. They are called the Baltics for short because of their geographical location along the Baltic Sea in Northern Europe.

Which countries are known as the Baltic nations?

The Baltic nations refer to Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. These countries are located in Northern Europe and have coastlines along the Baltic Sea. They are known for their rich history, culture, and strong connections with each other.

What Stockholm is located along what sea?

Stockholm is located along the Baltic Sea.

How many miles of coastline does Germany have?

Germany has approximately 2,389 miles (3,835 kilometers) of coastline along the North Sea and Baltic Sea.

What is the third baltic state along with Estonia and lituania?

Three of the baltic states are ( from north to south ) Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

Which of the countries below is not a Baltic nation?

Belarus is not a Baltic nation. The Baltic nations are Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, located in Northern Europe along the Baltic Sea. Belarus is a landlocked country in Eastern Europe.