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Because the partisans wanted to humiliate his dead body Some sources say that there was a tradition of hanging thieves upside down. The partisans choose Milan as the place to disply his body along with 15 other executed Fascists because that was the heart of the Fascists regime in the latter days of the war AND because it was the site where the Fascists executed some partisans.

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Q: Why was Benito Mussolini hung upside down?
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Mussolini's body was hung upside down in the Piazzale Loreto in Milan, Italy.

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he was hung upside down till he died same with his wife.

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No, Mussolini was executed by his own people. They hung him with piano wire

How was Mussolini excecuted?

He was captured by the partisans. The Communist partisans took him out the next morning and shot him. Then he and his mistress were taken to Milan and hung up for public display. But he was already dead when they hung him upside down.

What was the fate of Mussolini who was one of Hitler's staunchest allies?

he was captured by the Allies and hung upside down along with his Mistress in the town square.

How did Benito die?

fnsena;vernnnneinrnynlbAnswer Benito Mussolini was killed by partisans about 4pm on 28 April. His body was taken to Milan and hung up for display on 29 April, 1945.

Why did Benito Mussolini Losse Power IN 1943?

Mussolini was overthrown by the new government who sided with the allies. On April 29, 1945 he and 15 other fascist leaders were hung and executed.

Who was the leader who was shot and hanged upside down and people walked by and threw tomatoes at the leader?

It was Benito Mussolini and it was near Lake Como in Italy. Both il Duce and his girl friend were taken into custody and shot on 28 Apr 45. The bodies wee hung on meat hooks in Milan for everyone to see. He was eventually buried in a family mausoleum.

What Matisse painting was hung upside down?

"Henri Matisse's Le Bateau hung in New York's Museum of Modern Art for 47 days in 1961 before someone noticed it was upside down."-- Snopes Message Board, via googling "matisse upside down"

What happend to Hitler and Mussolini?

>> Hitler committed suicide in his bunker in Berlin 30 Apr 1945. >> Mussolini tried to escape as the Allies advanced into Italy. He disguised himself as a German officer in a column headed for Innbruck, Austria, but was recognized and shot on 28 Apr 1945. His body was later hung upside down in Milan.

What were Italy actions during World War 2?

italys actions during world war 2 were dipping kool-aid on fried chicken while watching tyler parrys house of payne Italy was part of the Axis powers. It was ruled by Mussolini until 1943 when he was ousted and arrested. He was killed and hung by his ankles upside down in the square. They did not have a very efficient military and lost most battles and the dreams of a Roman Empire again were dashed.

How do you use the phrase upside down in a sentence?

"As I played back the video, I saw that I had been holding my camera upside down." "The latest designer in Paris has turned the fashion world upside down with his brilliance." "In Spanish, an upside-down question mark precedes each interrogative sentence or quote."