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They came into Jamestown for more land, and to seek gold. They're motto: GGG, Gold, God, and Glory. It was rumoured that the "New World" had gold. And then it expanded, making them think it was a treasure island. So, they went to Virginia, colonized Jamestown. Didn't turn out to be what they thought until late 1800s.

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The government that they used its fron Great Britian but they changed it to the own form of government.

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Q: Why settlers came to jamestown and plymouth colony?
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What is the difference between Jamestown and Plymouth?

Jamestown was founded first, and was a financial venture (they hoped to make money) Plymouth was settled for religious reasons. First settlers at Jamestown were all men, some of the first settlers at Plymouth were women.

Why didn't the settlers want to work in Virginia in the 1600s?

If you are asking about Jamestown the men who came were there to look for gold for investors and not begin a colony. It wasn't until 1620 that Plymouth colony was established and it was a colony that was to establish a way of living for families.

What was the reason the original settlers of Plymouth colony Maryland and Pennsylvania came to America?

A. seek religious freedom

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The first English colony in North America was Roanoke, the settlers arrived in July 1584.Roanoke (in present-day North Carolina) was the first colony, but it was a dismal failure. The colonist disappeared without explanation and it came to be known as "The Lost Colony". About 20 years later Jamestown was established.

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There was no United States when the first colony began. Plymouth colony was the first permanent colony in 1620. Jamestown came before men looking for gold while Plymouth was families and planned to stay.

What country were the settlers of Jamestown from?

The settlers of Jamestown colony were from England. They came to the states... Okay, America looking for gold because the Spanish had found it but were instead met by disease, starvation, death, and angry natives.

How were the Jamestown settlement and Plymouth different?

The difference between the Jamestown government and the Plymouth was that the Jamestown weren't so friendly with the Indians, the men didn't work, disease was spreading among them, and the water they drank was impure. Also they only came with men to Jamestown and then after John Smith came to govern, that's when the ladies finally came and they established a colony.

What year did the original settlers come to Jamestown?

The year the original settlers came to Jamestown was 1607

Which one came first plymoth or Jamestown colony?


How many settlers came to Jamestown?


How were the pilgrims reasons for coming to America different from those of Jamestown settlers?

the Pilgrim's came for religious purposes and the Jamestown settlers came for power/wealth

What were the first of the original thirteen colonies?

Virginia was the home of the very first settlement in 1607 with Jamestown and then in 1620 came the Pilgrims to Massachusetts and Plymouth colony.