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Answer 1

The main reason would be that most people from Devanga / Iyer community eat non-veg and hence others from Brahmin community like - Iyengars, Smarthas and Madhavas dont consider them to be Brahmins.

To conclude Trimatasta includes only Iyengars, Smarthas and Madhavas.

Answer 2

I think, it doesn't matter who believes in this fact or not.

Devangas are (/were) the purest community (Deva Bhramana) and lived extremely close to Vedas and Hindu Gods.

The world should know this hidden fact, 'Gayathri Mantra' was formed by "Devangas" (Devanga Rishis), with the extreme power and blessings of "Devi Gayathri' (Five Faced Hindu Goddess).

Answer 3

They believe it or not ,both communities get along well together since ancient times and are together in education and temple and religious rituals. only difference is that brahmins are able to do upanayana before 5years age of boy,where as devangas due to financial inability merged thread ceremony during marriage before tieing the knot since few centuries back.All devanga community men where yagnopaveeta and are ardent followers of mata Gayatri and the thread made of 27 tatvas as per brahma sutra.

Devangas do not engage Brahmins for all rituals like weddings,sraddhas,pujas as there are pujaris, Vedpandits,jyotishkulu available from same community and all yagnas&pujas are done by people from same community since ages. To cite an example the pagalankarana ritual ( Clothing of Gods) for Lord Shiva in Srisailam (One of the jyotirlingas) is done only by Devangas only and during this time even pujaris are not allowed to see the ritual. They are ardent Shivites even today most names of people are those of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Some siblings of Devala Maharshi(Devala Manu Brahma) took to Vaishnavism with the blessing of Narada Maharshi.Devangas are not considered as brahmins because they were dealing with other communities for completion of silk cloth or cotton cloth.For silk cloth with sourastrians and for cotton cloth with dye manufacturers.Because of interaction with these people devangas used to consume non vegitarian food and some people used consume alcohol in ancient India.SACRED thread was worn even with gayathri mantra But daily sandya vandan is not religiously followed.Could be because of these devangas are not considered as brahmins but as Deva brahmins.

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Q: Why many brahmins dont believe that Devanga also belongs to Brahmin community?
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