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Trench warfare isn't used anymore because for the most part it is outdated. The main strength of armies today are their ability of movement. Trenches and fox holes are useful if you need to protect a certain area. They are just like strong points. which still thorugh out wars they are used. But i don't think we will ever have the grand trenches like that of world war I. Also the technology we have now could easily defeat the trench. Just iamgine world war I having a cruise missile. "Sir, we need tog et through that trench". Man gets on radio, calls to a ship, give coordinates, missile caomes in and blows hole in trench, men charge across field filling gap and succesfully penetrate enemies defensive line.

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16y ago
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10y ago

During World War I, trench warfare was effective through providing defenders with tremendous protection and exposing attackers to superior fire. Often, the trench-systems stopped attackers completely; at other times, they slowed the attackers long enough for defensive reserves to be brought up and then used to squelch the offensive.

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12y ago

Trench warfare was where in world war one (btw not sure about why they built them it was a while since i've studied it) they were long holes if you like in the ground that were dug by both sides, the British and the Germans, they were made opposite eachother of course and basically they would fire at eachother day by day with the bombs and other weaponry, but they weren't so much ineffective it was more of the case that they couldn't exactly push forward since the trenches were made sidewards looking on to the enemy, the bit in the middle of the trenches was the "No man's land" this was sudden death if you tried to cross it because of course each side would be on full alert.

Hope this helps as i said bin a while since i learned it but i think i got the right things covered :)

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12y ago

Well,firstly trenching was effective because the soldiers could hide in the trenches,staying out of the enemy's reach,while being able to shoot without showing too much of the body.

Secondly,trenches could be used as strong-points for soldiers to hold during a stand-off,while the entrenched soldiers could fire at enemy troops and lasting for long periods of time.

And lastly,trenches were easier and cheaper to dig than building a whole wall or barricading an area,therefore it was extremely efficient and effective.

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14y ago

Trench warfare was an extremely effective strategy because trenches were a form of defensive warfare.

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Everyone.... ..... In ww1, trench warfare was the main thing,,, omg....

The style of warfare used in World War 1 is called what?

Trench warfare.

Was trench warfare ever used apart from in World War 1?

trench warfare was also used in ww2 but more as bunkers and only onside would have them in place.

What were the weapons in trechwarfare?

The Trench Warfare occurred when a revolution in firepower was not matched in the 1700s. The weapons that were used in the Trench Warfare were swords, clubs, and guns.

Why did warfare change through world war 2?

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Why was Trench Warfare called such?

Trench warfare was a military tactic used because of the weapons used at the time (the time being 1864-1918). It was called trench warfare because both sides dug trenches and either bombarded the other, assaulted it, or simply waited it out.

Where was trench warfare primarily used?

The Western Front (in France and Belgium) where both sides were very evenly matched, and the defense proved much stronger than the offense. On other fronts in World War 1, trench warfare was not necessary.