Physical Factors High Density
Low Density
(shape and height of land) Low land which is flat e.g. Ganges Valley in India High land that is mountainous e.g. Himalayas Resources Areas rich in resources (e.g. coal, oil, wood, fishing etc.) tend to densely populated e.g. Western Europe Areas with few resources tend to be sparsely populated e.g. The Sahel Climate Areas with temperate climates tend to be densely populated as there is enough rain and heat to grow crops e.g. UK Areas with extreme climates of hot and cold tend to be sparsely populated e.g. the Sahara Desert
Human Factors
High Density
Low Density
Political Countries with stable governments tend to have a high population density e.g. Singapore Unstable countries tend to have lower population densities as people migrate e.g. Afghanistan. Social Groups of people want to live close to each other for security e.g. USA Other groups of people prefer to be isolated e.g. Scandinavians Economic Good job opportunities encourage high population densities, particularly in large cities in MEDCs and LEDCs around the world. Limited job opportunities cause some areas to be sparsely populated e.g. Amazon Rainforest
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This is about size to population 29.2 sqkm. Macau is a rocky peninsula connected to Zhongshan Island and has two islands Taipa & Coloane connected to the peninsula by bridges and a causeway. People can consider this part of China since it was handed over in 1999, but still has it's own currency and different visa status for tourists compared to the mainland. It is a big gaming city and has seen a boom in the number of casinos since 1999. Many of the main casino compaines that have casinos in Las Vegas have opened casinos there (MGM, Wynn, Venetian). Due to all of this, there is a large number of people living there to service all of this! When I was there, there didn't seem to be a feeling of a lot of people, it's just purely down to size vs people.
China is the most densely populated country of the world.
The region was Campus Marties
Most of places in central and eastern parts of China are highly populated. While most of west is much less populated simply due to harsh climate conditions.
Western Europe is very densely populated. In fact, it is one of the most densely populated places in the world.
St. Anthony Parish in Macau is the most densely populated area in China with approximately 98,776 persons per km².
Netherlands is the most densely populated country in the world
The most densely populated area in Russia is the city of Moscow and most densely populated area in Europe is the city of Paris.
New Jersey is the United State's most densely populated state.
Metropolitan areas of Pakistan are the most densely areas. Karachi is the most densely populated city of Pakistan.
China is the most densely populated country of the world.
Arkansas is the 34th most densely populated state in the U.S.
The most densely populated island in the Western Hemisphere is Santa Cruz del Islote, located off the coast of Colombia. It has a population density of over 124,000 people per square kilometer, making it one of the most densely populated places on Earth.
The only country that is classified as being in North Asia would be Russia which is neither a small nor a densely populated country. Asia does contain many small and densely populated countries. I will include 5 small and densely populated Asian countries. Country Area Pop. Pop. Density Singapore 693 4,452,732 6,425.3 Singapore would be the smallest and most densely populated country in Asia. There are areas in China such as Hong Kong, Macau that are much denser, but are not countries themselves.
The most densely populated area in Brazil is called Sao Paulo.
The most densely populated sovereign nation is Monaco, with a population density of 16754.