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Keep in mind that since we are old enough to stand we are taught the Alphabet in the classic ABCDEFG...etc, in sing song format. It has been hardwired into our brains.

However, fundamentally...regardless of how you look at the Alphabet be it A-Z or Z-A you still have the 26 letters that compose the several hundred thousand English words.

The only reason we recognize the letter "A" as the first letter of the Alphabet is because someone way back a long time ago placed it there. They could have chosen any letter to place at the beginning X,G,W...whatever, but they decided on A.

The most difficult part about learning the Alphabet backwards is getting over the mental block, realizing that they don't have to be in a certain order to be correct. It's the letters which are important, not what order they are in.

I taught myself how to say it backwards in under 45 minutes, so I know you can do it also.



45 Minutes or 45 seconds? :D

You can also buy some alphabet stickers and put them up somewhere and divide them in to groups of 5 or 6 and practice saying them backwards. That would sure make things easier..

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What is the best way to learn the alphabet backwards?

The best way to learn the alphabet backwards is to treat it like something new. Write out the letters from Z to A and read them over and over until you have learned them. I hope this works for you!

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No it's not hard to learn. It's really easy.... If You're Greek. Or half Greek or at least have some sort of Greek in you. You need to know the alphabet. The Greek Alphabet does not have al of the English alphabet. So you can't really write down all the alphabet in English and in Greek... Unless you are especially talented at the Greek alphabet like me then you can learn very easily.

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The fastest time recorded for reciting the alphabet backwards is around 3.84 seconds.

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The best way of learning how to say the alphabet backwards is probably not the one you were hoping to hear!! It is to write it out forwards and then either read it out backwards, or rewrite it the way you see it, but reading from right to left. Start at a still, but have it on the right hand side of your page rather than the left! I hope you find this information useful, and happy learning!! (If this speeds things up a bit, the alphabet backwards is zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba!)

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What is the best way to learn an alphabet?

flashcards are one of the best ways to learn a new alphabet.