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neither is better because they both fell

The answer above is not the best all. Both civilizations were very unique and fascinating, creating some of the things we still use today. This question depends on opinion, really. Some people that live in Italy, have Roman ancestors, like the Romans, say that the Roman Empire was better. In some ways, it was, but Greece was the real deal. Most of everything the Roman Empire was based around was taken from Greece, molded a bit, and resold.

I mean, if a kid living nearby wants to set up a lemonade stand, he goes and buys lemons, lemonade mix, etc. That makes the little kid the Roman Empire, and the lemonade mix the Greek Empire. But to make the lemonade, or the new empire, the Roman Empire puts all the stuff in water, mixes in some sugar, and bam. It's something completely different! It's the new Roman Empire, with a hint of Greece in it.

Sorry, I'm rambling a bit, but this question may be almost purely opinionated. As a Greek with many Greek ancestors, I would say Greece is better than Rome. But, my friend, who is Italian, argues that Rome is better than Greece.

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14y ago

Neither culture's literature can honestly be rated better or best. Greek and Roman literature of classical times is refered to as Greco-Roman. Equals.

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Q: Why is ancient rome better than ancient Greece?
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