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The Roman city of Pompeii was situated on the western coast of the Italian peninsula, south of Rome. It was a prosperous city in the Roman Empire.

In 79 AD CE, Pompeii was the victim of an eruption of the nearby volcano of Mt. Vesuvius.

The lava and ashes of this volcano destroyed the people of Pompeii but not the structures and art of the city. These same ashes and solidified lava preserved much of this city and smaller nearby ones. This preservation has given archaeologists a very clear picture of what life was like in this city.

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Q: Why have ruins of Pompeii been so well preserved?
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How many volcanoes are there in Pompeii?

no-one knows

Why have ruins of Pompeii been well preserved?

The Roman city of Pompeii was situated on the western coast of the Italian peninsula, south of Rome. It was a prosperous city in the Roman Empire. In 79 AD CE, Pompeii was the victim of an eruption of the nearby volcano of Mt. Vesuvius. The lava and ashes of this volcano destroyed the people of Pompeii but not the structures and art of the city. These same ashes and solidified lava preserved much of this city and smaller nearby ones. This preservation has given archaeologists a very clear picture of what life was like in this city.

Was there an excavation site in Pompeii?

Yes, Pompeii is known for its archaeological excavation site. The ancient Roman city was buried under volcanic ash and pumice in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. Excavations have been ongoing since the 18th century, revealing well-preserved ruins and offering insights into daily life in ancient Pompeii.

Who found the ruins of Pompeii?

Pompeii was FIRST discovered by the king and queen of Naples in 1592. They did not actually excavate the site, they sent men tunneling down into the ash searching for treasures to put in their palace.

How was pompeii keeped in such good condition for so long?

Pompeii was preserved in excellent condition because it was buried in pumice and ash and was undisturbed for well over a thousand years.Pompeii was preserved in excellent condition because it was buried in pumice and ash and was undisturbed for well over a thousand years.Pompeii was preserved in excellent condition because it was buried in pumice and ash and was undisturbed for well over a thousand years.Pompeii was preserved in excellent condition because it was buried in pumice and ash and was undisturbed for well over a thousand years.Pompeii was preserved in excellent condition because it was buried in pumice and ash and was undisturbed for well over a thousand years.Pompeii was preserved in excellent condition because it was buried in pumice and ash and was undisturbed for well over a thousand years.Pompeii was preserved in excellent condition because it was buried in pumice and ash and was undisturbed for well over a thousand years.Pompeii was preserved in excellent condition because it was buried in pumice and ash and was undisturbed for well over a thousand years.Pompeii was preserved in excellent condition because it was buried in pumice and ash and was undisturbed for well over a thousand years.

What cause the ruin of pompeii?

The volcano erupting. Actually it is very,well preserved. Paintings and murals on the walls can still be seen along with carvings. Even graffiti can be seen and many objects are in the Pompeii museum. When visitors go there it is like stepping back in time. I have been there.

What is the name of the city on top of Pompeii?

The city on top of Pompeii is called Naples. Naples is a historic city in southern Italy, located near the ancient ruins of Pompeii. It is known for its rich history, art, and architecture, as well as its proximity to the iconic Mount Vesuvius.

Town which was buried by the eruption of mount vesuvius in ad 79?

Pompeii was the town that was buried by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79. The volcanic ash preserved the town, providing a unique glimpse into Roman life during that time period. Excavations of Pompeii have revealed a well-preserved snapshot of ancient daily life.

What roman resort got buried after Mount Vesuvius errupted?

The Roman resort that was buried after Mount Vesuvius erupted in AD 79 was Pompeii. The city was a thriving commercial hub and leisure destination for affluent Romans, but the eruption buried it in ash and pumice, preserving the city's ruins for centuries. Today, Pompeii is a UNESCO World Heritage site and a popular tourist destination for its well-preserved artifacts and insights into ancient Roman life.

Why was Pompeii listed as a heritage site?

Pompeii is a UNESCO World Heritage site because it is an almost intact ancient Roman town. It has been well preserved because it was buried by volcanic ashes during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, a volcano, in 69 AD. Because of this it gives a good insight into the features and life of Roman towns.

Is it well-preserved or well preserved?

It's "well-preserved".

Activities in Pompeii?

Visitors to Pompeii can explore the ancient ruins of the city, including its well-preserved buildings, streets, and frescoes. They can also visit the archaeological museum to see artifacts recovered from the site. Additionally, there are guided tours available to provide insight into the history and daily life of Pompeii's residents before the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.