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The military uses the Julian date system for ease of calculating due dates of equipment inspections. For example, it is easier to just add 90 days to a Julian date rather than count out on 90 days on a calendar since most months have varying lengths.

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13y ago

I believe one of the reasons is that the procurement systems in the military uses the Julian date in the computer programs as a simple standard that doesn't require letters and allows date calculations to be made with out additional supporting programs. In today's software environments it wouldn't be an issue but it is hard to change as large an organization as the government.

We used Julian dates in the military a little different though. I was in procurement and as an example January the 12 of 1974 was wrirtten as 4012 where the year leading with a 4 and the number of the day in that year followed. February the 16th of 1976 was written 6047 where the leading 6 was the year (1976) and the folloowing 047 was the day count in that year (31 for Jan and 16 for feb) It was a modified Julian calender and I can't figure out if it ever survived the changeover to newer software. What puzzeled me was Jan 10th 1974 would be the same as Jan 10th 1984 (4010)

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